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Larisa Martinovna Reznitskaya 

+7(960) 446-24-49

Associate Professor

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

Conducted Design courses at the Department of Environmental Design at the stages of course project and graduation project, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Research interests:  the methodology and specifics of environmental design. Developed the curricula, course content, materials and methods for course works, practical classes and lectures for the «Complex development of environmental object and systems» course.

Russia Union of Architects – Member.

National Chamber of Architects – Member.

Research projects:

Work Experience

30-year architect experience in developing concepts, preliminary designs and working drawings for industrial and civil construction combined with teaching activities and research work in the field of architecture.

1981 -1996 YuzhGiproBytProm

Architect. Created designs for numerous significant civil and industrial construction projects in various cities of Russia.

1995-1997 freelance job in collaboration with Architectural Studio of Sobolev Y.

Served as the Project Architect for the design for BOLNITSA VODNIKOV Hospital Reconstruction project (opened in 2007).

1997-1999 Private Architectural Studio of Ivanov G.V.

Architect. Created designs for Ioan Kronshtadsky Cathedral in Rostov-on-Don in collaboration with Ivanov G. V. (Built in 2010).

1999 – until now Private Architectural Studio of Begalova S.

Senior architect. Created designs for new construction and renovation projects in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov Region.

Environmental design for Petrovsky Boulevard str. (Azov)

Reconstruction of Stanitsa Razdorskaya, Ustj-Donetsky Region, as part of etnografic preserve museum.

Environmental design for Prospect Octyabrya str. in Petropavlovsk.



  • Complex development of environmental objects and systems. Complex development of purpose-designed and integral environment types.
    The methodology and specifics of complex environmental design
  • Courses taught : - forming complex objects and systems architectural environment for undergraduate students fifth year of study, - integrated development of specialized and integrated environments for masters second year of study,
    Discipline "Complex formation of objects and architectural environment systems" lays the foundation for a system of integrated, urban environmental design and interiors, develops skills of detail, scale coordination compounds in the integrity of the layers of environmental facility, including equipment architectural environment and its coloristic. Discipline "Comprehensive and integral formation of specialized types of media" develops an integrated conceptual possession of technology, environmental design of specialized and integrated media types. These include: residential, social environment, industrial, urban and landscape environment as well as transport, religious, military and medical. In the course of the study deals with modern issues and trends shaping the media.

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