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Larisa Vladimirovna Gordienko 

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Geoinformation systems, logistic systems, intellectual shell of geographic information systems, topological relationships, traffic flow, fuzzy sets


Higher education: "Taganrog state university of radio engineering " (01.09.2001 - 30.06.2006 )

Applied Informatics in Economics

Recent scientific publications:

  • Gordienko, L.V. The Development of Geographic Information System Model for Information Flows Monitoring of Complex Objects / L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // IEEE Conference 2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Omsk, 2017). 2017. pp.1–4 (WoS, Scopus).
  • Gordienko, L.V. The development of geoinformation system elements for solving application tasks in an AutoCad Map 3D environment / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // ACSR - Advances in Computer Science Research (Proc. ser. of ITSMSSM 2017). – 2017. – Vol. 72 – pp. 359-362 (WoS).

  • Gordienko, L.V. Expert Estimates Processing and Decision-Making Taking Into Account Non-factors / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // Proceedings of 2018 14TH International Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2018). In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 4. Novosibirsk. 2018. pp. 84-87. (IEEE)
  • Gordienko, L.V. Decision-making under the conditions of fuzziness and multicriteria on the example of urban planning / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, A.E. Kolodenkova // Materials Science Forum, – 2018 Vol. 931. – pp. 840-844 (Scopus)
  • Gordienko, L.V. Aircraft & Space Interfaces Testing with National Instruments Equipment / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // Proceedings of 2018 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications (RPC 2018), Vladivostok, 2018. (IEEE, Scopus)
  • Gordienko, L.V. Expert Estimates Processing and Decision-Making Taking Into Account Non-factors  / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko //Proceedings of 2018 14TH Inter-national Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2018). In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 4. Novosibirsk. 2018. pp. 84-87. (Scopus)
  • Gordienko, L.V. Acquisition and Reducing of Redundancy of Measuring Information on the basis of National Instruments Reconfigurable Input-output Modules in Technical System Diagnosis / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // Proceedings - 2019 International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2019 Proceedings of International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon-2019), 8-14 Sept. 2019, Sochi, Russia. (Scopus)
  • Gordienko, L.V.  Geoinformation Project as Complex Object Forecasting and Decision Making Tool in Intelligent Information and Management Systems / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // Proceedings - 2020 International Russian Automation Conference, RusAutoCon 2020 Proceedings of International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon-2020), 6-12 Sept. 2020, Sochi, Russia. (Scopus)

Research projects:

Project “Methods and means of decision making on base of dynamic geographic information models” (Project part, State task 2.918.2017/4.6), Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

Scientometric indicators:

Web of Science ResearcherID: C-7223-2014

Scopus Author ID: 56177449700

orcid: 0000-0003-0915-819X

SPIN ( 9553-3323, AuthorID: 769014

GoogleScholar: h1lTUckAAAAJ

h-index: (Scopus) =1

h-index: ( =2


  • Interdisciplinary project 3 (21.03.02)
    The objectives of mastering the discipline "Interdisciplinary Project 3" is to form students' ability to analyze the state of a scientific and technical problem by selecting, studying and analyzing literary sources, to understand the main problems in their subject area, to choose methods and means of solving them; independently set research objectives, form a plan for its implementation, choose methods of research and processing of results, acquire and use new knowledge and skills, acquire practical skills in assessing the territory and designing the planning structure of the elements of the neighborhood.
  • Computer mapping (21.03.02)
    The purpose of the development of the discipline Computer mapping is to form a cartographic worldview of future bachelors, the formation of the idea of a specific graphical language of earth Sciences, the images of the territory and phenomena, modeled and studied in the form of geo-images.
  • Industrial practice. Pre-diploma practice, stationary, away. (21.03.02)
    Pre-diploma practice is aimed at deepening the knowledge gained in the study of theoretical courses; acquisition of practical skills in the field of standardization and Metrology; consolidation of competencies in the field of professional activity; collection of necessary information and preparation of final qualifying work.
  • Leading Graduation Works (21.03.02)
    Subjects of final qualification works are aimed at research and development of elements of geographic information systems for solving various applied problems.
  • Software of geographical information systems (21.03.02, 09.03.01, 09.03.04)
    The discipline "Software of geographical information systems" is aimed at studying software tools, methods and algorithms for creating modern geographical information systems, their functionality and protection of geoinformation data.
  • Engineering arrangement of the territory (21.03.02)
    The process of teaching the discipline is aimed at mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills of functional zoning of the territory, design and placement of networks of engineering equipment of territories, roads of local importance, as well as practical skills of a comprehensive assessment of the territory and design of the planning structure of elements of the city, residential area and microdistrict.
  • Geoinformation systems and technologies (09.04.03)
    The purpose of this discipline is the formation of modern information thinking, assessment of global changes and processes taking place in the world, the possibility of implementing a systematic geographical approach in applied science, determining the features of this scientific direction and the advantages of systematic geographical analysis, the opportunities offered by GIS systems and technologies.
  • Mapping software (09.04.03)
    The purpose of mastering the discipline "Mapping Software" in the master's degree is the formation of competencies that determine the readiness and ability of the master to create maps based on mathematical models of objects and phenomena.
  • Tools for the development of geoinformation systems (09.04.03)
    The purpose of mastering the discipline "Tools for the development of geoinformation systems" in the master's degree is to form students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development of individual components or elements of geoinformation systems (GIS) using modern tools.