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Liudmila Alekseevna Smirnova 

+7(964) 931-26-98

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

27. Mathematics

27.01.45. Teaching mathematicians

27.35 Mathematical models of the natural sciences and technical sciences. Equations mathematical physicists

27.43.51 Using theorist-probabilistic and statistical methods

14.01.77. Methods of the research and modeling. Mathematical and cybernetic methods in pedagogics

Research projects:

The project in the field of increasing quality of education for persons with limited possibilities of health "All Inclusive" (inclusive education) was marketed in 2016.

Purposes of the project: organization to activity students in the field of methodologies and technologies of inclusive vocational training; the practical realization of educational help for students with limited possibilities of health.


  • Mathematics
    The Purposes of the study of discipline: - a development logical and algorithmic thinking; - a mastering by main methods of the study and decisions of the mathematical problems; - a production of the skill by itself to increase the mathematical knowledge and conduct the mathematical analysis applied (engineering) of the problems.
  • Discrete mathematics
    Purpose of the study of discipline - a familiarization training with main scientific result, got in area: theory of sets, theories boolean function, graph theory, theories algorithm, used for undertaking fundamental and applied scientific studies, - a mastering skill decisions of the practical problems within the framework of its specialization.
  • Probabilistic models in technical system
    The Purpose of the study of discipline: study principle mathematical modeling of the systems on base of statistical information and decision of the problems of the processing experimental given with use analytical, the numerical and simulation methods.
  • Methods to optimization
    The Purpose of the study of discipline: study theoretical principles of mathematical modeling, optimization and mathematical programming, study of the main models, methods and algorithm of the decision optimization problems, familiarization with existing type of the problems to optimization, as well as use the got knowledge at decision of the practical problems.
  • Economic and mathematical models and methods
    The Purpose of the study of discipline is a mastering the methods of the processing to economic information, for determination characteristic under investigation economic process and algorithm of the decision of the concrete problems of the taking the management decisions.
  • Econometric
    The Purpose of the mastering of discipline are a reception student knowledge and skill in the field of modern problems, approach and methods econometric studies of the processes in economy; understanding the way of the empirical study of the relationships and dependencies, essence appearing problems and obstacle, as well as skill by itself to build and research simple econometric model.