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Liudmila Aleksandrovna Shtompel 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 21043

+7(918) 551-77-82


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Main research interests

- Temporal features of a modern society;

- Urban culture;

- Semiotic aspects of the space-time continuum of culture;

- Informatization of the teaching of socio-humanitarian disciplines.

Research projects:

Leader of grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project N 18-011-00841)

"Development of the audiovisual environment of the modern Russian city in the context of preservation and broadcast of ethical values of the Russian culture".



  • The Modern Urban Culture.
    The discipline "The Modern Urban Culture" is devoted to the study of the sociocultural differentiation of the modern city, the variability of the ways of adapting a person to life in the city, the diversity of urban culture and the plurality of types of citizens.
  • Cultural anthropology of the city.
    The study of this discipline is aimed at developing competences that allow conducting socio-cultural expertise of town-planning and architectural decisions and urban planning reforms; Forms the ability to determine the socio-cultural needs of citizens in accordance with their anthropocultural types and the ability to actively participate in the formation of urban culture.