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Margarita Vladimirovna Laguta 

+7(908) 179-18-81


Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Assistant Professor

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

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Research interests:

Research interests include: acoustic medical systems, interaction of acoustic radiation with biological objects.

Research projects:

Took an active part in the implementation of research projects : 213.01-14/2013-18 "development of hydroacoustic antennas for multifunctional hydroacoustic complex of bottom monitoring" Tuna-TS-T and N 213.01-14/2013-17 "Development and production of hydroacoustic antennas of the hydroacoustic data transmission system" Scalpel-TGA performed by the Southern Federal University together with the research Institute of instrument-making named after V. V. Tikhomirov.
To date, M. V. Laguta is a member of the research team within the framework of RFBR grant N 16-07-00374 "development of methods for obtaining information indicators of the spatial distribution of the nonlinear parameter in the medium based on the dynamic characteristics of the nonlinear interaction of waves for visualization of the internal structures of biological objects". Also Laguta, M. V. it is part of the research team within the framework of the RFBR grant 18-32-00813 "development of methods for studying the acoustic properties of marine sediments using a powerful low-frequency parametric hydroacoustic antenna system", supported in 2018.


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