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Karina Yurievna Kolesina 


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

 Psycholinguistics, Linguodidactics (Language Education), Pedagogics


  • The English Language
  • The English Language Teaching Methodology
    The course considers the analysis of such issues as theories, approaches, methods and techniques of the English Language teaching as well as receptive and productive skills, design and planning, testing and evaluation.
  • Psycholinguistics
    The course focuses upon the main issues of how the mind processes and produces language. The topics under discussion can generally be divided into answering the following questions: 1. how do children acquire language (language acquisition)?;2. how do people process and comprehend language (language comprehension)?;3. how do people produce language (language production)?; and 4. how do people acquire a new language (second language acquisition)?
  • Linguadidactics
    The course reviews general theory and methodological foundation of language teaching. The principles of educational process, the mechanisms of language acquisition are considered.
  • English Grammar
    This course covers the issues of different grammar phenomena usage.
  • English as a second language for the students of Journalism DPT
  • Scientific Research Work
    The course focuses upon components and functions of research work, its types and forms. It's aimed at obtaining and developing practical skills of independent research, prepares students for carrying out their individual scientific research.
  • Modern science and education.
    The course reviews current state and trends of science and education, their development in the short and long terms.
  • Teaching Practice
    The practice is aimed at the formation of professional skills of a foreign language teacher on the basis of theoretical training in special, professional disciplines, based on the analysis of the educational process in a particular educational institution, generalization of positive pedagogical experience.