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Ksenia Vladimirovna Kushnir 

Associate Professor

Southern Federal University

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Research interests:

territorial organization of tourism in municipalities,

geoinformation researches of coastal territories,

branding and advance of territories with regional tourist resources,

social and economic researches in tourism and service

Research projects:

1. Vliyeva O.V., Kushnir K.V. Current state of the hotel sphere in the Azov Sea coast of Russia//Geographical Bulletin of the Perm state national research university, N2 (43) 2017, Perm, 116-125 pages.

2. Vliyeva O.V., Kushnir K.V. Natural, historical and cultural tourist and recreational capacity of the Russian Azov Sea coast /  Bulletin of National Academy of tourism. N2(42).2017. St. Petersburg, 38-42 pages.

3. Kushnir K.V., Ivliyeva O.V., Bespalova L.A. Social and economic conditions of tourism development of  the East Priazovye//Society. Wednesday. Development.; 2018, N 1.; Page 3;9.

4. Kushnir K.V., Ivliyeva O.V. Efficiency of functioning of a tourist and recreational complex as a factor of territorial development (in case of Azov Sea coast )//Science. Innovations. Technologies" - 2018, N 1.; page 117-131

5. Kushnir, K. V. (2021). Tourism of special interests in regional conceptions (the case of Russian Azov sea coast). Service and Tourism: Current Challenges, 15(2), 27–35. doi: 10.24412/1995-0411-2021-2-27-35.


  • Organization of cruises and sport tours
  • Specialized types of tourism