Denis Aleksandrovich Kravchuk
Southern Federal University
Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering
Research interests:
Born on January 9, 1980 in Taganrog, Rostov region.
Higher education. In 2002, he graduated with honors from Taganrog State Radio Engineering University with a degree in Instruments and Methods of Quality Control, and completed his master's degree at TRTU in 2003. In the period from 2003 to 2006, he studied at the graduate school of the State Technical University, specializing in "Acoustics". In 2006, he defended his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor Tarasov S.P.
Since 2006, assistant at the department of EGA and MT. From February 2007 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrohydroacoustic and Medical Technology.
Participated in contractual work "Luch", "Scratch". Participated in the development and testing of hydroacoustic equipment. He participated in a number of scientific expeditions in the Sea of Azov, as well as in a search expedition on the Mius River.
Scientific achievements:
In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Selective excitation of modes by a parametric emitter in a shallow sea.”
In 2007 awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In 2013 he was awarded the title of associate professor.
In 2015, he was enrolled in doctoral studies in the direction of 05.11.17, scientific consultant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Starchenko I.B.
During my postgraduate studies and work at the department, 60 scientific papers were published.
Since 2008, he has been a corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB)
In 2023, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 2.2.12. "Device, systems and medical products"
Area of scientific interests:
Nonlinear hydroacoustics; nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves and signals in inhomogeneous media; marine acoustics, hydroacoustic devices and systems.
Optoacoustics, optoacoustic methods for diagnosing biological fluids
Main publications:
Kravchuk D. A., Kutsenko A. N. Experimental study of mode propagation in shallow sea. XVIII session of the Russian acoustical society 2006. - T. 2.
Kravchuk D. A., Bondareva Z. Y. Application of wideband signals in sonar systems of communication in multi-agent system for monitoring of the marine shelf. News of southern Federal University. Technical Sciences. 2013. No. 9 (146). S. 256-258.
Kravchuk D. A. investigation of the structure of the acoustic field of parametric antennas for multi-agent system for monitoring of the sea shelf. News of southern Federal University. Technical Sciences. 2013. No. 9 (146). S. 120-123
Kravchuk D. A. 3-D model of propagation of acoustic waves parametric emitter for monitoring small sea. All-Russian youth school-seminar "Ecology and problems of coastal areas". The collection of works. Taganrog 2015. Southern Federal University. ; Rostov-on-don: Publishing southern Federal University, 2015. ; 254 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-1668-1. C16-23.
Kravchuk D.A., Kirichenko I.A., Orda-Ghigulina D.V. THE REVIEW OF METHODS OF USE OF NANODIMENSIONAL OBJECTS IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCHES /SWorldJournal. 2016. Т. 10. N j116 (10). С. 45-48.
Kravchuk D. A., Starchenko, I.B., korichenko I.A. An Optoacoustic laser cytometer prototype. Biomedical Engineering? Vol. 51, No. 5, Junuary, 2018, pp. 308-312. Translated from Meditsinskaya Teknika, Vol. 51, No. 5, sep.-Oct., 2017, pp.4-7.
Original article submitted June 30, 2017.
Kravchuk D. A., Starchenko, I.B. Theoretical model for diagnostics of the oxygen saturation of erythrocytes with the help of optoacoustic signals. Applied Physics 2018-January(4), с. 89-93 Scopus Q3
Kravchuk D. A.Mathematical model of detection of intra-erythrocyte pathologies using optoacoustic method. Biomedical Photonics 7(3), 2018. с. 36-42. Scopus Q3
Kravchuk D. A Simulation of acoustic signals with an optoacoustic effect for the detection of red blood cells of various shapes by a laser cytometer Applied Physics 2019 Scopus Q3
Kravchuk D. A. Experimental studies on the excitation and registration of an optoacoustic signal in a liquid // 2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2019 - Proceedings 8729639 Scopus Q4 DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2019.8729639
Kravchuk D. A. 3D simulation of aggregation of red blood cells for the study of the optoacoustic response // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1353(1),012088 Scopus Q3 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012088
Kravchuk, D.A.. An experimental study of acoustic signals with an optoacoustic effect in suspension with polystyrene disks as models of red blood cells
Applied Physics, 2020, (4), стр. 70–73
Kravchuk D. A Simulation of acoustic signals with an optoacoustic effect for the detection of red blood cells of various shapes by a laser cytometer Applied Physics 2019 Scopus Q3
Kravchuk D. A. Experimental studies on the excitation and registration of an optoacoustic signal in a liquid // 2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2019 - Proceedings 8729639 Scopus Q4 DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2019.8729639
Kravchuk D. A. 3D simulation of aggregation of red blood cells for the study of the optoacoustic response // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1353(1),012088 Scopus Q3 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012088
Экспериментальное исследование акустических сигналов при оптоакустическом эффекте в суспензии с полистирольными дисками как моделями эритроцитов // Прикладная физика. 2020. N 4. С. 70-74. Scopus Q4
Application of the optoacoustic effect to measure glucose concentration | Использование оптоакустического эффекта для измерения концентрации глюкоз Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics., 2021, (6), страницы 63;66
Results of experimental studies of optoacoustic response in biological tissues and their models | Результаты экспериментальных исследований оптоакустического отклика в биологических тканях и их моделях Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics 2022, (3), страницы 63;66
Book Chapter The Results of Calculations of Visualization of Biological Tissues Based on the Optoacoustic Effect Kravchuk, D.A., Starchenko, I.B. Springer Proceedings in Materials, 2023, 20, страницы 241;247
Optoacoustic signal processing for image restoration based on neural networks | Обработка оптоакустического сигнала для восстановления изображения на основе нейронных сетей Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics, 2023, (1), страницы 10;14
Method for calculating an optoacoustic signal in a layered structure using a convolutional neural network | Метод расчета оптоакустического сигнала в слоистой структуре с помощью сверточной нейронной сети Kravchuk, D.A., Chernov, N.N. Applied Physics., 2023, (5), страницы 22;25
List of courses:
Konstrukcionnye and biomaterials
Hydroacoustic devices and systems.
The basic technology of production of marine equipment, Chusovoy project.
Special materials in instrumentation and medical technology
The basic technology of production of marine equipment.
Methods and technologies of nondestructive testing
Ultrasonic technique and technology.
There is an international certificate course on AUTODESK Inventor Series 11.
2019Applied Physics
Research projects:
Born on January 9, 1980 in Taganrog, Rostov region.
Higher education. In 2002, he graduated with honors from Taganrog State Radio Engineering University with a degree in Instruments and Methods of Quality Control, and completed his master's degree at TRTU in 2003. In the period from 2003 to 2006, he studied at the graduate school of the State Technical University, specializing in "Acoustics". In 2006, he defended his Ph.D. thesis under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor Tarasov S.P.
Since 2006, assistant at the department of EGA and MT. From February 2007 to the present, Associate Professor of the Department of Electrohydroacoustic and Medical Technology.
Participated in contractual work "Luch", "Scratch". Participated in the development and testing of hydroacoustic equipment. He participated in a number of scientific expeditions in the Sea of Azov, as well as in a search expedition on the Mius River.
Scientific achievements:
In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Selective excitation of modes by a parametric emitter in a shallow sea.”
In 2007 awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences.
In 2013 he was awarded the title of associate professor.
In 2015, he was enrolled in doctoral studies in the direction of 05.11.17, scientific consultant, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Starchenko I.B.
During my postgraduate studies and work at the department, 60 scientific papers were published.
Since 2008, he has been a corresponding member of the International Academy of Sciences of Ecology, Human Security and Nature (MANEB)
In 2023, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in specialty 2.2.12. "Device, systems and medical products"
Area of scientific interests:
Nonlinear hydroacoustics; nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves and signals in inhomogeneous media; marine acoustics, hydroacoustic devices and systems.
Optoacoustics, optoacoustic methods for diagnosing biological fluids
Main publications:
Kravchuk D. A Simulation of acoustic signals with an optoacoustic effect for the detection of red blood cells of various shapes by a laser cytometer Applied Physics 2019 Scopus Q3
Kravchuk D. A. Experimental studies on the excitation and registration of an optoacoustic signal in a liquid // 2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications, SIBCON 2019 - Proceedings 8729639 Scopus Q4 DOI: 10.1109/SIBCON.2019.8729639
Kravchuk D. A. 3D simulation of aggregation of red blood cells for the study of the optoacoustic response // Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1353(1),012088 Scopus Q3 DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1353/1/012088
Экспериментальное исследование акустических сигналов при оптоакустическом эффекте в суспензии с полистирольными дисками как моделями эритроцитов // Прикладная физика. 2020. N 4. С. 70-74. Scopus Q4
Application of the optoacoustic effect to measure glucose concentration | Использование оптоакустического эффекта для измерения концентрации глюкоз Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics., 2021, (6), страницы 63;66
Results of experimental studies of optoacoustic response in biological tissues and their models | Результаты экспериментальных исследований оптоакустического отклика в биологических тканях и их моделях Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics 2022, (3), страницы 63;66
Book Chapter The Results of Calculations of Visualization of Biological Tissues Based on the Optoacoustic Effect Kravchuk, D.A., Starchenko, I.B. Springer Proceedings in Materials, 2023, 20, страницы 241;247
Optoacoustic signal processing for image restoration based on neural networks | Обработка оптоакустического сигнала для восстановления изображения на основе нейронных сетей Kravchuk, D.A. Applied Physics, 2023, (1), страницы 10;14
Method for calculating an optoacoustic signal in a layered structure using a convolutional neural network | Метод расчета оптоакустического сигнала в слоистой структуре с помощью сверточной нейронной сети Kravchuk, D.A., Chernov, N.N. Applied Physics., 2023, (5), страницы 22;25
Konstrukcionnye and biomaterials
Special materials in instrumentation and medical technology
The basic technology of production of marine equipment.
Methods and technologies of nondestructive testing
Safety and reliability of medical equipment
Teaching practice