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Yuliya Sergeevna Kozun 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Biodiagnostics, biomonitoring, bioindication. Forecasting changes in soils of southern Russia in a changing climate.

Research projects:

The impact of climate on biological properties of soils of southern Russia. We explore the biological characteristics of different types of soils of southern Russia formed in contrasting climatic conditions.
Identified climatic parameters, limiting the biological ac-ciency of soils in the south of Russia. Determined set of biological indicators of soil, most closely associated with con-climatic parameters. Identified geographical distribution patterns of the profile of biological activity and the overall biological activity, taking into account all the pros humus soils of the south-la Rossii.Opredeleny influence climate patterns and some of its compiled-ing on different biological properties and the integral index of biologists-cal condition.


  • Earth Science
    Discipline is read as part of the educational program of higher education, "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.03.01 "Biology", bakalavriat.Tsel level of teaching - to develop the students' deep and sustainable knowledge of the Earth's natural environment, the interaction of natural systems as D's result the development of the geographic envelope components, especially geospheres Zem-Do, the structure and composition of the Earth, endogenous and exogenous geological processes, Faculty tori soil and genesis of soils, especially the Earth's soil, you-work ability to navigate the current scientific information for follow-present use scientific and educational activities.
  • Ecological monitoring
    Discipline "Environmental Monitoring and bioindication" is read as part of education-tional higher education program "Biology" in the direction of preparation 06.03.01 "Biology" Bachelor level.The purpose of discipline - to form students' understanding of the environment of the monitor rings, biological indicators, their sensitivity and informativeness. The main objectives of the course: Create the basic concepts and types of monitoring; To provide an understanding of the principles and prospects of environmental monitoring; Learn to use biological indicators at different impacts on ecosystems of different levels.
  • Ecology
    The objectives of the discipline: the formation of basic knowledge, skills and skills in the field of ecology, increasing environmental literacy. Objectives: to ensure the assimilation of basic knowledge about the levels of systems of different levels (ecology of individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems) from the standpoint of the systems approach, the laws of ecology as a theoretical foundation of rational nature management, nature protection and sustainable development of mankind; form an eco-centric worldview; to formulate the skills to set and solve scientific research tasks in the field of ecology, to predict the environmental consequences, to choose the optimal ways of solving environmental problems; form the skills of conducting educational, educational and pedagogical activities in the field of ecology.