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Anna Igerevna Koroleva 

Senior lecturer

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

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Research interests:

Physico-chemical analysis of binary systems, ecology and technosphere safety.


  • Earth sciences. Chemistry of the environment
    The course examines the physical and chemical processes taking place in the technosphere, the pollution of the environment and its impact on the ecological balance, describes the main physical, chemical and biological pollutants and methods for determining pollution levels, examines the migration routes of pollutants within a single geosphere and the ways of transferring them to adjacent geospheres, physicochemical methods of pollution control are presented. This course will also contribute to the formation of students' ecological outlook and upbringing the ability to assess their professional activities in terms of environmental protection.
  • Chemistry: analytical, physical, colloidal
    The course is aimed at mastering the foundations of qualitative and quantitative analysis, the methods of basic analytical calculations, studying the basics of physical and chemical methods of analysis and colloid chemistry, mastering the methods of mathematical processing and analysis of experimental results. The study of this course implies the expansion and deepening of the fundamental physical and chemical knowledge necessary for the successful solution of professional tasks aimed at providing technospheric security.
  • Chemistry: general, organic, inorganic
    The course examines the theoretical foundations of general, inorganic and organic chemistry, the structure of the atom, the structure of matter and the reactivity of organic and inorganic compounds, it is assumed that new knowledge will be obtained through the development of fundamental and applied scientific research necessary for further training in the field of technospheric security.
  • Biochemistry and Ecology
    The study of this discipline is aimed at mastering the basic laws of the course of biochemical and ecological processes, the formation of a theoretical and methodological base for studying the various levels of organization of living and inanimate systems, developing the skills of biochemical and ecological research necessary for successful activities in the field of biotechnology, developing the ability to use the laws of biochemistry and ecology when solving professional problems.