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Andrey Vitalievich Korenevskiy 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12208

Head of the department

Institute of History and International Relations

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

  • Russian medieval history, Byzantine and Russian religious-political mind, especially – reception of medieval religious-political ideas and myths in Modern culture and political mind.
  • Religious heterodoxy in Middle Ages and Modern era.
  • Intellectual history.
  • British and American historiography of Russian history, especially – A.J. Toynbee’s views on Russian history.

Research projects:

Rus’ and Poland in 12th century: religious-political aspect (Russian Foundation for Basic Research N 19-39-90057), 2019-2021

Summer school “The Great steppe as an ecological and cultural phenomenon” (DAAD), 2019

Spring school “Comparative Study of Local Identities” (SFedU, SPbSU), 2018

International conference “One Does not Choose Neighbors: the Eastern Europe as the Zone of Cultural Convergence” (Foundation “The Center for Russian-Polish Dialog and Understanding), 2018

Summer school “Azov-Black Sea Region in the Ecological and Cultural Context” (DAAD), 2016

Winter schools “Archeology of Text” (Oxford Russia Fund), 2011-2016

Summer school “European Idea and Its Alternatives” (EU Centre in the South West of Russia), 2014

Transition to Interdisciplinary Programs at SFedU – Tempus JEP-2711-2006 TRIP, 2007-2010

Design and implementation of an asynchronous learning model within the framework of the interdisciplinary Individual Humanities Education program at the Southern Federal University (internal grant of SFU N 05/6-92), 2007


  • The World Religions: the History and Modern Era
    The course aims to form to form a holistic understanding of religion as a form of public conscience, its social functions and role in the history of mankind. The specific tasks of teaching are: • to form an idea about the peculiarities of religion in comparison with other forms of social mind, about the place of religion and religious institutions in the process of the formation of society and the state; • to provide an understanding of the different types of religions and their interrelationships; • to acquaint the students with the basic concepts and categories of religious studies, theories and directions of studying the history of the world religions; • to review and analyze the process of formation and development of world religions. The course includes three modules: "Christianity", "World Religions of the East: Islam and Buddhism", "History of the Russian Orthodox Church" Module 1 "Christianity aims to form a general idea of the peculiarities of Christianity as a world religion, its social functions and significance in the history of mankind. The chronology and periodization of the history of Christianity, the causes and consequences of its occurrence are covered. Module 2 "World Religions of the East: Islam and Buddhism" is devoted to the study of Islam and Buddhism from the moment of their inception to the present day, to the analysis of religious doctrines, texts, rituals and the distinctive features of the various branches of these religions. Module 3 "History of the Russian Orthodox Church" is a direct continuation of the problematics of the history of world religions and at the same time it is directly connected with the courses of Russianl history and the history of Russian culture. It is aimed to solving the same educational problems as the history of world religions at the level of national history.
  • In Search of Russian Ethnic and Political Identity in Modern Era
    The course aims to form a general knowledge about the process of formation and evolution of various kinds of consciousness ; ethnical, cultural, religious, political ; in the history of Russia. The course is focused on Modern Era ; from Early Modernity (17th century) to contemporary epoch. This content is represented in two modules: “The Transformations of Russian Identity in the Age of Modernization" and “Russian ‘Age of Extremes: reconsiderations of reconsiderations". However the main part of concepts, images and notions, which were used in the framing of various kinds and versions of ideological doctrines in Modern Era, had appeared earlier. Therefore the first introductory module “Origination of Russian Ethno-political and Religious Consciousness" goes before the main content of the course. This module is dedicated to the first pages of Russian history, when the most long-liver notions, ideas and myths about Russian people and state germinated to become the work stock for various theories and conceptions later, in Modern Era.
  • Russian Medieval History
    The Russian Medieval History is the first part of 6-semester course of the Russian History, which is one of the core disciplines in the structure of Bachelor program in History. The course covers the period from ancient times to the end of the 16th century and is directly related to such disciplines as the History of the Middle Ages and the History of Asian and African countries, within the framework of which phenomena are considered that are temporally comparable with the Russian history of the 9th-16th centuries. Individual plots and problems of the national history of the Middle Ages and early Modernity are reflected in such courses as the History of Culture, the History of World Religions, Ethnology, etc. The initial skills of source criticism and historiographical analysis acquired by students during the study of this course. More advanced proficiency will be developed within frames of courses of Source Studies, Historiography, and Methods of Historical Research.
  • Interdisciplinary Concept Study
    The aim of this discipline is to form students' holistic understanding of concepts as operational units of human knowledge, the structure, semantics, and the place of concepts in the culture as a communicative system and the importance of Concept Study in the context of modern humanities. Specific goal of this course is explanation of the role of interdisciplinary conceptual approach in the contemporary Social Science and Humanities and the place of concepts as problem cores of intelligible fields of study within contemporary meta-/post-disciplinary knowledge.

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