Sergey Ilyich Kolesnikov
Head of the department
Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies
Southern Federal University
Research interests:
ecology, environmental management, conservation of soils, soil biology, chemical pollution of soil, ecological functions of soil, the stability of ecosystems, valuation, forecasting, evaluation and regulation of human impacts on terrestrial ecosystems
Research projects:
(b. 1970), Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management of the Southern Federal University.
The main directions of scientific work: assessment and rationing of anthropogenic impact on terrestrial ecosystems; ecology, nature management, nature conservation, ecobiotechnology, chemical pollution of soils, soil biology, ecological functions of soils, ecosystem sustainability, rationing, forecasting.
Head of the leading scientific school of the Russian Federation "Soil Ecology" (grants from the President of the Russian Federation from 2010 to the present).
Member of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.
Chairman of the Dissertation Council SFU03.01 in the specialties 03.02.08 - ecology (biological sciences) and 03.02.13 - soil science (biological sciences).
Head of the UNESCO Center for Ecotechnology.
Member of the Central Council of the Society of Soil Scientists.
Head of the enlarged scientific direction of SFU "Problems and prospects for the development of the Azov-Black Sea basin."
Organizer of the V All-Russian Congress of the Society of Soil Scientists, 10 international scientific conferences.
Head of more than 50 scientific grants and state contracts.
Awarded the Medal of the Society of Soil Scientists named after V.V. Dokuchaev and honorary diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Author of more than 1000 publications, including 50 monographs, 20 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 100 teaching and educational aids.
Prepared 19 candidates of science.
Environmental management
Nature protection
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