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Irina Aleksandrovna Kibal'chenko 

+7(908) 519-57-80


Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Psychology of different forms of experience. Сognitive psychologyю Psychology of intelligence.

Intellectual and personal resource, integrated resource, professional self-determination, selfdevelopment,
potential forms of experience

Research projects:

Students' intellectual and personal resource as a factor of professional self-determination and selfdevelopment.

In the light of the concept of the federal educations development programme the project aimed at
research of the students’ combined qualities that determine coping with difficult situations in training
activities, provide an opportunity of a successful professional self-determination and personal
development. The question is about the sources of these determinants. The answer is hidden in the
problem of intellectual and personal resource, which still have not received adequate study in psychology
in the opinion of L.I. Antsyferova, V.A. Bodrov, M.A. Holodnaya and others authors. Practice shows that
the allocation of intellectual and personal resource allows to treat it, on the one hand, as an integrated,
co-directional resource in which the intellectual property can be updated and become a factor of
professional students’ self-determination and self-development. On the other hand – as bipolar construct,
and in this case, intellectual property or facility may become a factor blocking these processes. Subject is
the main in the resources organization, he is an active and can reflective his experiences during
activation of different forms which updated its potential talent, develop talent. A social focal point of the
age and a personality maturity degree (one of indication of which is their intellectual and personal
resource) determine the process of self-determination. It is individual, and its activation and the dynamics
depends on the situation in which people live, study, work. We suppose that the students’ selfdetermination
and self-development is determined by their recourses content-dynamic intellectual and
personal characteristics, their correlation, intensity and dynamics. Traits of dynamic characteristics and
mechanisms of students’ intellectual and personal resource will block or, conversely, will intensify their
self-determination and self-development. Researching of the contents and features of these
characteristics and their role in professional self-determination and self-development help to develop
active, intellectual and in general personally growing professionals. Since the concepts’ system of
intellectual and personal resources of students as future professionals isn’t solved, the main problem of
research will be necessity for theoretical and empirical analysis of intellectual and personal resources as
a professional self-determination and self-development factors. In this regard, the project includes the
formulation of the theoretical foundations of the study and development of students’ intellectual and
personal resources. Applied meaning of the results is that will be developed science-based psychodiagnostic
tools of researching the intellectual and personal resources, programmers of its integration
and development at different stages of students professional self-determination and self-development.
This will purposefully organize psycho-pedagogical support of students in their professional selfdetermination
and self-development, to provide them preventive and operational assistance in their
development and self-development. Assistance oriented to individual problems related to the promotion of
professional self-determination. In this regard, relevant is the research of the psychological structure of
students’ intellectual and personal resources, their dynamic characteristics, mechanisms of learning at
different stages in the process of professional self-determination and self-development.Results of the
research will be publish in a series of articles, abstracts and monograph.


  • Psychognosis
  • "Quantitative and qualitative research methods in psychology"
  • "Planning of theoretical and empirical research"
  • "Statistical Methods in Psychology"