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Mikhail Karyakin 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 14000


Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Nonlinear mechanics of deformable solids:

  • Second order effects if the problems of tension, bending and torsion for hyper-elastic materials;
  • Computer automatization of semi-inverse method of nonlinear elasticity;
  • Stability of three-dimensional elastic bodies undergoing large strains;
  • Equilibrium and stability of nonlinearly elastic corrugated membranes;
  • Nonlinear effects in the theory of Volterra’s dislocations

Research projects:


  • Grants from Russian Foundation for Basics Research (RFBR): head – 6 grants, participant - 4 grants
  • Grants from Russia Ministry of Science and Education: head – 2 grants, participant – 6 grants

Organizing of Conferences and Workshops

  • Chair of The Organizing Committee, School-seminal on Mathematical Modelling and Biomechanics (10 schools since 2005, Gelendzik, Russia)
  • Member of The Organizing Committee, International Conference “Modern Problems of Continuum Mechanics” (18 conferences since 1995, Rostov-on-Don – Azov)
  • Member of the Scientific Program Committee, International Conference “Modern Methods, Problems and Applications of Operator Theory and Harmonic Analysis (5 conferences since 2011, Rostov-on-Don)

Selected publications:

  1. Kalashnikov V.V., Karyakin M.I. Second-order effects and Saint Venant's principle in the torsion problem of a nonlinear elastic rod // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. 47(6). 2006. Pp. 879-885
  2. Gavrilyachenko T. M., Karyakin M. I., Sukhov D. Y. Designing of the interface for nonlinear boundary value problem solver using Maple // IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos-Washington-Tokyo, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Sciences and its Applications (ICCSA 2008) ISBN 978-0-7695-3423-1 P. 284-291
  3. Getman, I.P., Karyakin, M.I., Ustinov, Y.A. Analysis of the non-linear behaviour of circular membranes with an arbitrary radial profile // Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 74 (6). 2010. Pp. 654-662. 
  4. Karyakin M., Sigaeva T. Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Shape Optimization of the Nonlinearly Elastic Corrugated Membranes // Shell-Like Structures: Non-Classical Theories and Applications/ Ed. H.Altenbach and V.A.Eremeyev. Springer-Verlag  Berlin Heidelberg 2011. p. 297-306  
  5. Karyakin M.I., Zubov L.M. Theory of Isolated and Continuously Distributed Disclinations and Dislocations in Micropolar Media // Advanced Structured Materials, Vol 7.  Mechanics of Generalized Continua / Ed.  H. Altenbach, G.A. Maugin, V. Erofeev. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2011. P.275-290 
  6. Karyakin M.I., Mostipan G.O., Ustinov Yu.A. Some problems of equilibrium and stability of nonlinearly elastic circular membranes // Shell and Membranes Theories in Mechanics and Biology: from Macro- too Nanoscale Structures. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Minsk, Belarus, Sept. 16-20, 2013. P. 50-53 
  7. Karyakin, M., Kalashnikov, V., Shubchinskaya, N. Nonlinear  effects in a plane problem of the pure bending of an elastic rectangular panel // International Journal of Engineering Science. 2014. V. 80, pp. 90-105
  8. Karyakin M.I.,  Shubchinskaia N.Y. The equilibrium and stability of the nonlinearly elastic cylinder with internal stresses // Materials physics and mechanics. 2016. Vol.28, No 1/2. Pp. 31-35