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Tatyana Viktorovna Karpenko 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11385

Head of the department

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Innovative and investment development of peripheral territories, strategic development of the small cities, social investment, youth business.

Research projects:

"Social and economic monitoring of business and social initiatives of the population of the municipality of Novoshakhtinsk" - the project manager ‒2010.

"Development and modernization of curricula, contents and resources of new generation, the main educational programs of a bachelor degree, magistracy, educational programs for system of additional education, including retraining".  Development of the DPO program "Bases of management of an apartment house, organization of activity of housing associations (condominium)"

Involvement of youth in an entrepreneurial activity. Training young people according to the program of short-term training "Organization and effective conducting own business". The contract No. of group of companies 100/5 of October 12, 2011 associations (condominium)"

nvolvement of youth in an entrepreneurial activity. Training young people according to the program of short-term training "Organization and effective conducting own business".The state contract No. GK92 of 02.11.2012


  • Innovative management
    The purposes of development of discipline "Innovative management" are questions of the main regularities of development of innovative activity of economic entities, formation of a complex of teoretiko-methodological and applied bases of effective management of innovative processes in modern conditions, development of practical skills of work with the latest techniques and instruments of management of innovations. In the course of studying of discipline "Innovative management" the student has to: Nobility: - main stages of development of management as sciences and professions; - principles of development and regularity of functioning of the organization; - roles, functions and the manager's tasks in the modern organization; - the main business processes in the organization; - principles of a goal-setting, ides and methods of organizational planning, etc. To be able: - to set the purposes and to formulate the tasks connected with realization of professional functions; - to analyze external and internal environment of the organization, to reveal its key elements and to estimate their influence on the organization; - to be analyzed organizational structure and to develop offers on its improvement; - to organize team interaction for the solution of administrative tasks; - to analyze communication processes in the organization and to develop offers on increase in their efficiency, etc. To own: - by methods of realization of the main administrative functions; - modern technologies of effective influence on individual and group behavior in the organization; - by methods of development and implementation of marketing programs; - by methods of the analysis of financial statements and financial forecasting; - modern tools of management of human resources; - by methods of the investment analysis and analysis of the financial markets; - methods of management of operations
  • Economy of innovations
    Knowledge, skills which the student for studying of discipline "Economy of innovations" has to have: Nobility; to have an idea of the economic device; & #61485; the bases of an economic mentality forming effective behavior model in the conditions of modern economy; basic economic institutes. To be able: to abstract, simplify, schematize real economic situations;; to describe, classify, systematize the facts of economic reality; & #61485; to explain the main economic processes.; to use sources of economic, social, administrative information; To Own: tools of an economic assessment of efficiency and innovation of economic decisions; ideology of civilized economic behavior. Competences in which formation this discipline can participate: a) general scientific: Main content of this discipline Subject 1: Introduction to the theory of innovations. Subject 2: Subjects of innovative activity. Subject 3: Structure of innovative systems. Subject 4: State regulation of innovative activity. Subject 5: Organization of innovative activity. Subject 6: Business planning in innovative activity.