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Yuliya Viktorovna Akimenko 

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Candidate of Biology in the specialty 03.02.08. - "Ecology" (biological sciences), training term in postgraduate study - from 9/1/2014 to 12/15/2015; the thesis on the subject "Pollution Influence by Antibiotics on Biological Properties of the Chernozem Ordinary", date of protection - 04.12.2015, dissertation council D212.208.32.

Scientific interests: Biodiagnostics, biomonitoring, bioindication,  ecological rationing of anthropogenous influences (use of pesticides and antibiotics on farmlands) on biological properties of soils of the South of Russia. Ecological management and modeling of technogenic processes in environment.

By results of research activity more than 100 scientific works are published. From them 35 in the leading reviewed scientific journals entering the list of VAK Russian Federation, including 10 articles and theses indexed in the Web of Science base, 12 in Scopus, 4 monographs, 2 collections of scientific conferences under edition, and also in materials the All-Russian and international scientific practical conferences.

Research projects:

Project manager "Development of scientific student's community "Ecology of Soils" as a part of the leading school of sciences of the Russian Federation", performer of more than 20 scientific projects.


  • Ecotoxicology
  • Ecology
  • Theory of the biosphere and global environmental problems
  • Rational environmental management and conservation