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Igor Leonidovich Jityaev 

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Senior researcher

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

Associate Professor

Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Nanotechnology, nanomaterial, nanoelectronics, micro- and nanosystem, field emission electronics, carbon nanostructures, laser technologies.

Research projects:

1. "Development and research of constructive and technological solutions for the formation of elements of field emission nanoelectronics based on graphene films on silicon carbide by the method of focused ion beams".

2. "Research and development of constructive and technological solutions for creating elements of field emission nanoelectronics using the method of local ion-stimulated deposition".

3. "Adhesive structures based on hierarchical tubulent carbon nanomaterials".

4. "Development of mathematical models, algorithms and software to optimize the production of sapphire products in micro- and nanoelectoronics."

5. "Development of elements of field emission nanoelectronics based on graphene films on silicon carbide".


  • Micro- and nanoelectronics
    The discipline is aimed at studying the basics of construction and design methods, gaining skills in designing and modeling integrated circuits and nanoelectronic devices.
  • Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering
    The discipline is aimed at mastering and applying methods of analysis and calculation of electrical circuits.
  • Information Technology
    The discipline is aimed at the formation of an information picture of the world based on understanding the essence and significance of information in the development of a modern information society and familiarization with information technologies, models, methods and means of solving functional problems and organizing information processes.
  • Nonlinear processes in microwave, quantum and optoelectronics
    The discipline is aimed at mastering the knowledge of physical processes in microwave electronic and optical devices and the theory of their operation, necessary for the design and application of these devices in devices for various purposes.
  • Quantum and optical devices
    The discipline is aimed at obtaining basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the application of quantum and optoelectronic devices to create devices for receiving and processing signals in the optical and radio wavelength ranges.
  • Informatics
    The discipline is aimed at acquiring the skills of using personal computers for solving applied problems.