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Igor Petrovich Yarkovoy 

+7(863) 437-16-97

Senior lecturer

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Research interests:

Design of aircraft structures. Certification of aviation equipment

Research projects:

Research section of the final qualifying work on the design of aircraft structures


  • Construction aggregates glider
    Construction aggregates glider with basing on the external contour. Designs of units and ways to ensure the accuracy of contours. Application of monolithic panels. Advantages and disadvantages of monolithic panels, manufacturing methods, design. Application of panels with filler. Type of panel. Calculation example. The connection of the casings. Ways of connection of sheet panels, solid panels and panels with the filler Construction of the wing. Restrictions imposed on the structural - power scheme of the wing. Design calculation of the wing (two-spar straight wing). Design calculation of the wing (straight wing caisson). The choice of constructive-power circuits langeron wings. The choice of the longitudinal set. Structural design of the spar elements. The choice of design of the stringers. Selection of the wall structure of the spar. Structural design of the spar elements. The design of the ribs. A typical rib. Reinforced ribs. Examples of design calculation. The choice of longitudinal and transverse set of one-piece and the wing box. The design of feathers. Design calculation. The design of the all-moving tail. Analysis of design schemes. Design of the fuselage. Factors that determine the design and power scheme of the fuselage. Design calculation. The design of the longitudinal framing. Construction of frames. Design of the fuselage structure in the area of cutouts. Course project
  • Aircraft design
    Introduction, General information about the aircraft; classification, requirements, basic parts; an external shape and load of the wing; Structurally-power circuit and design calculation of the wing; the design elements of the wing; ailerons, mechanization; the tail of the aircraft; means aerodynamic compensation of the hinge points. Fuselage. Constructive-power circuits of fuselage. Methods of fixing the skin to the fuselage. Necklines. Pressurized cabin. Chassis. Methods of mounting shock absorbers. Automatic release. The design of the brake. Absorbers. Aircraft control system. Command posts governance. Control wiring. Boosters. Ways to include boosters in the control wiring. The classification of TRE. Design schemes of turbojet with axial, centrifugal and axial-centrifugal compressor. The constructive scheme of the two-shaft turbojet. Double-circuit turbojet engines. Classification. The main components and elements of turbojet, their purpose, requirements and relationship. The main ways to boost traction. Structural diagram of the afterburning engines. The constructive scheme of the turboprop engines. Features of design schemes of auxiliary GTE. Introduction, General information about the aircraft; classification, requirements, basic parts; an external shape and load of the wing; Structurally-power circuit and design calculation of the wing; the design elements of the wing; ailerons, mechanization; the tail of the aircraft; means aerodynamic compensation of the hinge points. Fuselage. Constructive-power circuits of fuselage. Methods of fixing the skin to the fuselage. Necklines. Pressurized cabin. Chassis. Methods of mounting shock absorbers. Automatic release. The design of the brake. Absorbers. Aircraft control system. Command posts governance. Control wiring. Boosters. Ways to include boosters in the control wiring. The classification of TRD. Design schemes of turbojet with axial, centrifugal and axial-centrifugal compressor. The constructive scheme of the two-shaft turbojet. Double-circuit turbojet engines. Classification. The main components and elements of turbojet, their purpose, requirements and relationship. The main ways to boost traction. Structural diagram of the afterburning engines. The constructive scheme of the turboprop engines. Features of design schemes of auxiliary GTE.
  • Aerodynamics
    The principles of creating the lifting force. Physical properties of liquids and gases. The hypothesis of the continuity of the environment. The principle of circulation of movement. Continuity equation. Bernoulli equation for incompressible gas. Boundary layer. Flow around various bodies. Vortex theory of the wing. The circulation rate. Zhukovsky's Theorem. Coordinate systems used in aerodynamics. Similarity criteria in aerodynamics. Coefficients of aerodynamic forces and moments. Wind tunnel. Wing profile in an incompressible gas flow. The total aerodynamic force profile. The total aerodynamic moment of the profile. The dependence of the lift coefficient of the profile on the angle of attack. Pressure distribution on the profile. Diagram of aerodynamic loads. Drag force coefficient of the profile. Calculation of profile resistance. Torque characteristics of the profile. The concept of aerodynamic focus. The dependence of the coefficient of lift of the wing on the angle of attack. Vortex scheme of the wing of the finite span. Inductive resistance. The dependence of the drag coefficient of the wing on the angle of attack. The polar of the wing. Maximum aerodynamic quality of the wing. Torque characteristics of the wing. Features of aerodynamics of swept wings. Means of increasing the bearing properties of the wing during takeoff and landing. Aerodynamic drag of the wing when the flap is released. Propagation of weak disturbance waves in gases. The characteristics of compressibility of the air flow. The equation of continuity of flow. Bernoulli equation for compressible gas. The relationship between the speed of the gas flow and the speed of sound. Temperature, pressure and density at the adiabatic braking point of the gas flow. Dependence of the cross-sectional area of the trickle on the flow velocity. Laval nozzle. Propagation of disturbances. Shock waves. Critical Mach number. Wave crisis on the wing profile. The flow around the wing profile of the transonic and supersonic flow. Wave resistance of the profile. The dependence of the aerodynamic coefficients and aerodynamic characteristics from Mach number. Measures to mitigate and overcome the wave crisis. Aerodynamic characteristics of a flat plate in a supersonic flow. Aerodynamic characteristics of the wing profile in supersonic flow. Wing of small aspect ratio in supersonic flow. Lift coefficient and drag coefficient of the wing at supersonic speeds. The coefficient of wave resistance of the wing. The coefficient of inductive resistance of the wing in the supersonic flow. The coefficient of lift of bodies of rotation. Coefficient of drag of bodies of rotation. Coefficient of friction resistance of the fuselage. The coefficient of resistance of the forward fuselage. The drag coefficient of the aft fuselage. The coefficient of bottom resistance of the fuselage. The coefficient of resistance of the nose of the nacelle and the fuselage in the presence of an air intake. The drag coefficient of the tail. The mutual influence of the aircraft parts. Area rule. The coefficient of inductive resistance of the aircraft. Polar plane. Taking into account the screen effect on the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. Aerodynamics of the propeller. Aerodynamic forces of the propeller. Traction power and efficiency of the propeller.
  • Aerodynamics and flight dynamics
    Introduction. Air flow characteristics. The law of conservation of energy for the air flow (Bernoulli Equation). Equations of constancy of mass flow (continuity Equation). Shock waves. Pressure distribution on the surface of moving (streamlined by air) bodies. Boundary layer. Full aerodynamic force. Drag. Equations of motion of the aircraft. Application of General theorems of mechanics to the preparation of equations of motion of the aircraft. Coordinate systems used in the dynamics of the aircraft flight. Mutual orientation of coordinate systems. Equations of motion of the center of mass of the aircraft in projections on the axis of the trajectory coordinate system. Initial data for calculating the trajectories of the aircraft. Aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft. Engines and their characteristics. Steady-state flight regimes Simplified method for securing. Characteristic areas and flight modes in the diagram of the required and available thrust. Range of heights and speeds of horizontal flight. Restrictions imposed on driving modes. Calculation of rate of climb. Calculation of the reduction of the aircraft with the engine running. Planning of the aircraft. Capacity method. Range and duration of the flight. General relations for the calculation of the range and duration of the flight of the aircraft with a turbojet engine. Calculation of flight range at a given altitude and speed. Calculation of flight range at a given altitude (flight on the "echelon"). Calculation of flight range at a given speed (flying on the "ceiling"). Cruising flight modes. The range and duration of the flight of the aircraft with screw engines. Calculation of flight range in the areas of climb and descent. Takeoff, landing and basic maneuvers of the aircraft. Takeoff with a takeoff run. Landing with a run. The main maneuvers of the aircraft.