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Igor Vasilievich Shcherban 

Senior researcher

Southern Federal University

Senior researcher

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Research Statement

- Leading research teams that develop science-intensive software for decision support in different subject areas, using artificial intelligence elements, machine learning and mathematical modeling; 

- Knowledge of the theory of optimal estimation and identification, digital signal processing methods such as filtering, spectral and temporal analysis, singular spectrum analysis,  wavelet transform, optimal Kalman filtering, etc., background in advanced mathematics, in probability theory and statistics;

- Experience in ensuring the quality of intellectual activity results and reporting documentation.

Teaching Statement
- Teaching in university since 1993.
- Providing educational and methodological support, formulating, and conducting over 20 courses in the fields of  optimal control theory, optimal estimation and identification theory, mathematical foundations of machine learning methods, machine learning in Python, inertial-satellite navigation systems, control systems of unmanned aerial vehicle, etc.
- Since 2008: Professor at the Department of Measuring and Information Technologies, Southern Federal Univ. (SFedU), Rostov-on-Don, Russia; the head of two master's degree programs "Applied Informatics", and "Instrument Engineering".

Research projects:

(since 2014)

1. As co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) and Principal Researcher in the Mathematical Modeling and Data Processing Department for projects:
•    "NARVA" (2018-2021) – a joint project of Foundation for Advanced Study of Russia, the Rostov Cancer Research Institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia and SFedU,
•    "Production of information and telecommunication complexes for satellite navigation systems GLONASS/GPS/Galileo" (2010-2014), granted by the Russian Government,
•    "Creating a software package based on neurotechnologies" (2022-2024), granted by the Foundation for Advanced Study of Russia. 
2. As Leading Researcher in the Mathematical Modeling and Data Processing Department for projects:
•    "Development of a stimulus-independent model of the Brain-Computer interface for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities" (2020-2022), granted by the Russian Science Foundation,
•    "Assessment of the possibility of using biohybrid technology for odor recognition for benefit of screening socially significant diseases" (2016-2018), granted by the Foundation for Advanced Study of Russia,
•    "Investigating the mechanisms of frequency-phase interaction of background and evoked activity of the rat brain" (2012-2014), granted by the Foundation for Advanced Study of Russia.


  • Software and hardware for information systems
  • Methods for determining information system models
  • The practical application of artificial intelligence technologies
  • Incorporating IT technologies into information systems and services
  • Supervising research activities for a graduate student.