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Inna Vladimirovna Nekrasova 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Chaos theory, Behavioral Modeling, Benefits and Costs of Decision-Making, Behavioral Game Theory, Social Valuation and Choice, Neurofinance, Game Theory,

Computational Process Models, Analytic Mathematics

Research projects:

Call for Chapters: Fractal Approaches for Modeling Financial Assets and Predicting Crisis



Inna Nekrasova (Southern Federal University, Russia) 
Oxana Karnaukhova (Southern Federal University, Russia)


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.).

For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This book is anticipated to be released in 2017.



The main purpose of the book is the study of fractal structure and long-term memory of the financial markets in order to predict the prices of financial assets and financial crisis.

Expected results of the study:

-identification of criteria to select financial assets for investment;

-development of a technique that allows to classify the financial crisis and identify the existence of a "financial bubble";

-a randomized algorithm of R / S-analysis, which allows to give a more accurate assessment of the fractal dimension of the financial markets;

-the use of adaptive modeling to identify bifurcation points, which is born the possibility of crisis phenomena of the economy;

-the use of computer programs to calculate the parameters of state of the financial market and the trading signals.



  • Financial management
    1. Total laboriousness ; 3 Credits. 2.1 The course "Financial Management" is part of a series of professional disciplines. This discipline is based on previous course "Financial markets and financial and credit institutions", "Actual problems of finance", "Financial analysis (advanced)", "Financial Instruments Business Development." 2.2 To study this discipline requires the following knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge: modern methods of analysis of risk and return of investments in financial instruments, integrated system of knowledge in the field of financial markets in general, To study this course, graduate students must obtain: the skills of financial and economic calculations, know the basic indicators of the financial performance of the enterprise, to know the basics of econometric calculations of profitability and risk. working with information databases required for analytical work to assess the effectiveness of financial instruments the skills of financial analysis of the capital market, money market instruments, work with literature, essay writing. 2.3This course is prior to the following subjects: "Behavioral Finance", "European Financial Institutions", "Financial instruments of crisis management", "Financial Marketing", "Management of derivative financial instruments" After study “Financial management" graduate students must obtain the following knowledge, skills and abilities: − make capital budgeting analysis; − determine the firms optimal capital structure; − account risk and rate of return real and portfolio investment; − understand and analyze efficiency appraisal method of investment projects and portfolio management; − know the motives for mergers and the possible benefits and costs of a merger. 3. Aim of the course Financial management concentrates on the process of making financial decisions in a way that maximizes the welfare and benefits of a firm's owners. The purpose of this lecture is to provide an introduction to the field of financial management. This course gives you complete knowledge about financial management. Who are interested in planning and managing finances should do this course. For our purposes, financial management is defined as a process involving the acquisition of (limited) funds and their allocation among different investment opportunities in order to obtain a desired objective. 4. The course consists of three parts:  Fundamental theories of Financial Management  Capital budgeting. Capital structure, cost and valuation  Mergers and divestitures: theory and evidence In Module 1 “Fundamental theories of Financial Management". The theory of Financial Management is examined using a conceptual approach that provides the basic tools and concepts necessary for the handling of financial decision-making situations. Topics include: an overview of financial management, theory of time value of money, stock and bond valuation, portfolio theory, asset pricing theory. Module 2 “Capital budgeting. Capital structure, cost and valuation" views the capital budgeting decisions by viewing three tasks in evaluating projects: estimating cash outlays, estimating net cash flows and applying a decision rule for evaluating and selecting investment projects. Topics include: capital budgeting, management of working capital, capital structure (WACC) and valuation. Module 3 “Mergers and divestitures: theory and evidence" discusses the motives for mergers and presents the possible benefits and costs of a merger. It also reviews several empirical studies regarding the profitability of mergers. 5. Techniques and Skills After completing the course, the masters are expected to be able to: − maximize the wealth of the companies; − manage of current assets and current liabilities; − determine the optimal quantities of assets that firms should hold; − make capital budgeting analysis; − determine the firms optimal capital structure; − know the concepts of operating, financial and combined gearing; − discern correlation and interdependency between risk and return under each factor model; − discern and interpret different investment decisions; − account risk and rate of return real and portfolio investment; − understand and analyze efficiency appraisal method of investment projects and portfolio management; − know the motives for mergers and the possible benefits and costs of a merger; − know methods of defends from take-over; − make divestment and spin-off decisions; − present coherent arguments to answer questions both orally and in writing; − apply the tools and analytical skills to real-world situations. Basic educational technology. Class work: development presentations to accompany the lecture course using programs MS Word, MS PowerPoint, using case-study, master classes of heads of the leading financial companies and analytical agencies at seminars. Use in practical training next computer programs: Financial Toolbox, Dornbusch, s with Imperfect Capital Mobility, Project Wizard: budget approach. The following methods and forms of study are used in the course:  Lectures  Seminars  Colloquium  Writing  Self-study  Use of different reference books and Internet resources At the end of the course the students are supposed to write an essay, make an oral presentation and written test.
  • Financial Markets and Financial and Credit Institutions
    The purpose of studying the discipline "Financial Markets and Financial and Credit Institutions" is to deepen knowledge system necessary for analytical work on the evaluation of efficiency and the engineering of financial instruments using modern methods of risk analysis and profitability. As a result of studying the discipline, the student should know: - composition and structure of the financial market, the differences between the outsider and insider models of the development of financial markets; - the features of the functioning of the money market and the capital market. The student must possess: - skills of fundamental and technical analysis; - the skills of using special software tools for technical analysis.

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