Igor Vladislavovich Nefedov
+7(960) 464-33-21
Associate Professor
Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication
Research interests:
1.RFL teaching.
2.Langiage peculiarity of the Russian rock-poetry.
3. Linguopoetical analyses of classical and modern poetry.
During the last 10 years he directly took part in 17 international scientific conferences, held in Russia and abroad (in Kiev and Rostov-on-don (2007, 2009, 2010, 2012), in Kiev, Odessa (2006, 2012), in Minsk (2005), in Erevan (2008), in Warsaw (2008), in Lublin (2009), in Athens (2016), in Moscow (2016,2019) and others)
Primary publications:
- linguopoetical analysis of the poem of A. Blok "Gamayun is a prophetic bird" // National-cultural component in the text and language. Materials of III international scientific conference. Part 1. − Minsk, 2005.
- linguopoetical interpretation of "Sonnet to the form" V. Ya. Bryusov // The world of Russian world. St. Petersburg, 2007, N1-2.
- Functional and informative role of placenames in rock- poetry // Language and culture. Issue. 10, (101) − Kiev: Publishing house of Dmitr Burego, 2008.
- Russian rock-poetry: growth prospects and linguistic particularities // Człowiek. Świadomość. Komunikacja. Internet. − Warszawa, 2008.
- Basic teaching methods of Russian language as foreign language. (Study guide). − Rostov-on-don: PI SFU, 2008.
- Possibilities of multimedia in Russian orthoepy training of students-foreigners // Wspołczesna rusycystyka w kształtowaniu wspolnej europejskiej przestrzeni kulturowo-informacyjnej: Nauczanie jezyka rosyjskiego studentow na kierunkah filologicznych i niefilologicznych. - Warszava-Lublin, 2009.
- Some peculiarities of syntactic structure of pre-revolutionary and Soviet posters headings // News of SFU. Philological studies. − Rostov-on-don, 2011.− N1.
- Literary text and its analysis. (Study guide). − Rostov-on-don: IPE PI SFU, 2011.
- Linguistic view of the world of Russian rock-poetry in the aspect of certainty-uncertainty category. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2011 (monography).
- Language peculiarities of the domestic counterculture rock-poetry // Materiály IX mezinárodní vě- praktická conference "Nastolení vědy - 2013". Díl 9. Filologicke vědy.: Praha. Publisging House «Education and Science». 2013 (in coauthorship).
- Reflection of Russian language lexis consistency in the first explanatory dictionary of the Soviet period // The world of Russian word, N1, 2013 (in coauthorship).
Video-Content and Mobile Technologies in Project Activity for Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language . SFedU News. Philological Sciences. Rostov-on-Don, 2018. N2. pp. 168-179. (In Russ.)
M-learning and E-learning as a Basis for Developing Modern Educational Programs for the Methods of Teaching RFL. The 10th International Readings Dedicated to Cyril and Methodius: Collection of Studies. Sevastopol', 2018, pp. 186-192. (In Russ.)
M-learning as an Innovative Means of Teaching RFL. SFedU News. Philological Sciences. Rostov-on-Don, 2016, N3. pp. 170-178. (in coauthorship) (In Russ.)
Virtual Educational Environment in RFL-teaching: Reality and Prospects. World of the Russian Word, 2019, no. 4. pp. 61-71. (In Russ.)
Traditional and Innovative Content as the Basis of Project Activities in the Course of Russian as a Foreign Language. Russian studies. 2020. - No. 1. Vol.18. pp. 85-96. (in coauthorship) (In Russ.)
Research projects:
The head of the editorial’s of "Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology"
The Deputy Editor-in-Chief of "Practices & Interpretations: A Journal of Philology, Teaching and Cultural Studies"
RFL teaching
Applied linguistics
Language and speech aspects of RFL teaching