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Irina Viktorovna Tkacheva 

Senior lecturer

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Higher, graduated with honors from the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University with a degree in cultural studies, postgraduate studies with a degree in social philosophy.

Academic degree: candidate of philosophical sciences, specialty 09.00.13; philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture.

In 2007 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The axiological aspect of the influence of high technologies on the world outlook of a person" at a meeting of the dissertation council D.212.208.13 on philosophical sciences at the Southern Federal University.

Work experience: Assistant at the Department of History and Philosophy; Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy. Total work experience: since November 2001. Work experience in the specialty: since September 2006. Further training: direction "Digital campus of SFedU as a means of ensuring controlled independent work of students" (Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University, Taganrog) (72 hours), 2011;

Research projects:

Brief information about scientific activity: Annually takes part in international conferences held in the countries of near and far abroad. Has a number of scientific publications, including:

1. Tkacheva IV Transformation of ideas about space and time under the influence of high technologies // Materials of the international scientific conference "Philosophical problems of natural science and technical sciences"; Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog, 2014.S. 287-290.

2. Tkacheva IV Axiological aspect of the influence of high technologies on the world outlook of a person. Taganrog: Publishing house of TTI SFU, 2011.

3. Tkacheva IV Transformation of ideas about the meaning of life under the influence of high technologies // Humanities and Socio-economic sciences. Special issue. 2009.S. 105.

4. Tkacheva IV High technologies and the problem of loneliness in the modern world // AnthropoTopos: theoretical journal in the field of philosophical sciences. Omsk, 2011.S. 70-73.

5. Tkacheva IV Philosophical and anthropological analysis of the category of "worldview" // Sociosphere. 2011. N1. S. 10-12.

6. Tkacheva IV Ethical understanding of science at the beginning of the XXI century // Materials of the international scientific conference "Scientific research and their practical application. Current state and development paths 2006". Tom. 7.; Odessa, 2006.S. 47-50.

7. Tkacheva IV The ambivalent nature of the influence of high technologies on the core of values ​​of the world outlook of a person // Power, society, personality: a collection of articles of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference; ed. N. Baranova, N. A. Volodina; Penza: RIO PGSKhA, 2006.S. 117-120.

8. Tkacheva IV Formation of the information society and globalization as a product of high technologies and their impact on the world outlook of a person // Man and society: at the turn of the millennium: an international collection of scientific papers / Ed. prof. O. I. Kirikova. ; Issue XXXVI. ; Voronezh: VGPU, 2006.S. 58-70.

9. Tkacheva IV High technologies and the problem of violence in the modern world // Globalization. Globalistics. Potentials and prospects of Russia in the global world. Thirteenth Vavilov readings: materials of the permanent All-Russian interdisciplinary scientific conference with international participation: in 2 hours / Ed. V.P.Shalaeva. Yoshkar-Ola: Mari State Technical University, 2010. Part 1. P. 125-126.

10. Tkacheva IV Transformation of the value consciousness of the individual in the context of globalization // Fates of national cultures in the context of globalization: collection of materials of the international scientific conference in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / Ed. M.G.Smirnova. Chelyabinsk. 2010.S. 114-118.

11. Tkacheva IV System analysis of the concept of technology // Humanities in the modern world: materials of the II International scientific and practical Internet conference on October 26; November 8, 2009 / Ed. M. A. Litovchenko. Tambov. 2010.S. 181-184.

12. Tkacheva IV Sociocultural significance of high technologies / Technologist. in-here. South. federal un-theta, Taganrog, 2007.-16 p .: -Bibliogr. 34 titles Dep. 30.03.2007 N 60241

13. Tkacheva IV Ethical aspects of modern technologies // Man in the space of education: Interuniversity collection of scientific articles. Issue 3.; ed. M. S. Uvarova, T. V. Mordovtseva. ; Taganrog: TIUiE, 2003.S. 170-177.

14. Tkacheva IV Social and psychological aspects of the relationship between man and the latest technologies // Man and society: at the turn of the millennium: international collection of scientific papers; ed. O. I. Kirikova. ; Issue XXXV. ; Voronezh: VGPU, 2006.S. 136-147. Research interests: philosophy of science and technology, axiology, philosophical anthropology, social philosophy.

Educational and methodical work: Has a number of educational and methodological works, including:

1. Tkacheva IV Methodical recommendations for seminars on social philosophy. ; Taganrog: Publishing house of TTI SFU, 2008.18 p.