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Ivan Nikolaevich Boyko 

+7(928) 120-56-73

Senior lecturer

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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  • Technological processes of maintenance service
    Technological processes of maintenance service 1. The name of the educational program in which to read the discipline 162300 maintenance of aircraft and engines, specialization: maintenance of aircraft and aircraft engines. 2. The total complexity (5 Zeta) 3. The place of discipline in the structure of educational programs B3.B11 "Professional series". In the structure of the RPF discipline "Production and repair of aircraft" is the level allowing to apply the obtained knowledge in the performance of final qualifying work is "the Provision of the aircraft systems and units". 4. The purpose of discipline: -acquiring knowledge about the content of modern technological processes of technical maintenance LA; -the acquisition of practical skills in solving scientific and practical problems of improvement and design-operational properties of LA and the efficiency of their operation with the use of modern mathematical methods and computational techniques. 5. Requirements to results of mastering the discipline The process of discipline is aimed at formation of elements of the following competencies in accordance with GEF and OP HPE in this field of study: a) professional (PC): - willingness to work in a team, to use aircraft technical documentation in English (PK-3); organizational and managerial activities: - ability to solving problems of planning, organization, information and hardware of the production processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, using basic professional knowledge (PK-7); production and technological activity: - ability to place, use, and maintenance of technological equipment in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation on the basis of the professional basic knowledge (PK-12); - ability to perform work on maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft (PK-13); - ability to participate in carrying out a range of planned maintenance works to ensure serviceability, performance and readiness of the aircraft for effective use (PC-14); - the ability to solve the issues of providing quality maintenance and repairs of aircraft, and certification processes aircraft equipment and certification of personnel (PC-15); - readiness to the organization of metrological support of technological processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft (PK-16); - ability to perform professional primary types of work, including fitting operations, fabrication and repair of simple parts, the Assembly of components (PK-20); - willingness to engage in monitoring, diagnosing, forecasting technical condition, adjusting and finishing, testing and validation of aircraft systems and products (PK-21); - ability to use ground support equipment aviation equipment, instrumentation, means of mechanization and automation of production processes, computer technology (PC-22). calculation and design activity: - ability to manage (to calculate) the required resources to ensure a process of continued airworthiness of aircraft, including production facilities, personnel, equipment, tools (PC-23); - willingness to substantiation of parameters of technological processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, ensuring their effectiveness and quality (PK-24). In the result of mastering discipline student must: to know: methods and means of nondestructive testing of aircraft products; methods of construction of diagnostic models of aircraft products; evaluation methods of efficiency, the search of failures and prediction of technical condition of aircraft products; the basics of state regulation and management in the field of technical operation of the aircraft; the properties of the aircraft as an object of technical exploitation; the contents of the system and software maintenance and repair of aircraft; the technological bases of maintenance and repair; to be able to: quantify and analyze the level of safety, carry out activities to ensure safety; to create the list of documents required for certification of objects of technical operation; select the scan settings and to build diagnostic models of the technical condition of aircraft products, forming algorithms and modes of diagnosis; assess the key operational and technical properties of the aircraft; to own: methods of assessing the impact on safety consequences of failures of aviation equipment, errors of aviation personnel, exposure to adverse conditions; methods of collecting and processing information on the reliability of aircraft products, methods of calculation and statistical evaluation of reliability characteristics, the methods of managing the processes of technical operation of aircraft; control methods. 5. The content of the discipline Module 1. The content of the technological processes of technical maintenance of aviation equipment - the purpose of the maintenance Classification of types of maintenance and their maintenance provide maintenance. Content maintenance airframe General rules for the care of the airframe condition Monitoring airframe Maintenance and maintenance technology airframe General safety requirements for maintenance of the airframe, operating Conditions and basic criteria of efficiency of control mechanisms. Typical failures and damage to the cable and hard transactions of control systems. Adjusting and disassembling and installation work at control systems. Technological features and General safety requirements during routine maintenance of control systems. Contents maintenance chassis. Maintenance technology hydrogate systems. Module 2. Technological processes of technical maintenance of aircraft equipment - General faults and damage to the air conditioning systems and their maintenance. The contents and maintenance technology of power plants. Maintenance of gas turbine engines. Features of maintenance of piston engines. Maintenance fuel and oil systems. General requirements for the preparation of aircraft engines for launch. The process of starting the engines and stages of control. Analysis of the stages of the engine starting. Starting gas turbine engines. The classification process for General purpose and their means of mechanization. Provision of aircraft maintenance related Services. Methods of protection against icing. Towing aircraft. The ways and means of towing. 7.Basic educational technology. The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, discussion when selecting a method of repair of concrete prefabricated units or the selection of variant of technological process. 8.Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests. Within the discipline there are the mid-certification (offset), interim assessment (exam)
  • System instrumentation
    System instrumentation 1. The name of the educational program in which read дисциплина160100.65 Aircraft and helicopter construction, specialization aircraft. 2. The total complexity (4 Zeta) 3. The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program C3.B18. "Professional series". In the structure of the RPF discipline "System instrumentation" is the level allowing to apply the obtained knowledge in the study of the discipline "Designing of aircraft , as well as the performance of final qualifying work is the design of the airplane or helicopter. 1. The purpose of discipline - to provide knowledge about the purpose, design and operational characteristics of the system of the instrument equipment of the aircraft. 5. Requirements to results of mastering the discipline The process of discipline is aimed at formation of elements of the following competencies in accordance with GEF and OP HPE in this field of study: a) design activities (PKD): he possesses the skills to obtain, collect, systematize and analyze baseline information for the construction of aircraft and their engines (PKD-2), able to learn and use the best practices of aviation and related technical fields in development of aircraft structures (PC-3), is ready to develop product designs of aircraft and their systems in accordance with the technical specifications based on the system approach to the design of aircraft structures (PK-5), has a basic knowledge of modern design and ergonomics (PC-10); b) organizational-administrative activity: performance of works on standardization and preparation for certification of technical means , systems and equipment (OC-2). In the result of mastering discipline student must: facts: -the structure, basic parameters and assign the elements of the electrical equipment of the aircraft structure, the basic parameters and assign the elements of flight control and navigation systems, structure, main parameters and functions of the elements of information display systems, structure, basic parameters and assign the elements of the onboard computing systems, the structure, basic parameters and assign the elements of the wireless equipment of aircraft, structure, basic parameters and assign the elements of antenna-feeder systems; to be able to: - distinguish between types and systems of equipment, to make the best choice of the types of systems equipment in the design of aircraft; to possess: aviation terminology. 6. The content of the discipline. Module 1:Electrical and navigation equipment: Basic information about electrical equipment . The power supply system. Electric drives and mechanisms. Electrical equipment fuel system. The lighting equipment. Basic information about navigation equipment. Navigation devices and systems. Instruments and systems measuring the altitude and speed parameters. Flight-navigation complex (NCP). The information display system. On-Board computer system and program-algorithmic support of the NCP. The concept of required navigation performance PNO. Module 2: Radio equipment of aircraft: the Classification and composition of RTO the airplane. Radio communication equipment. Radio navigation equipment and satellite navigation systems. Radio short-range navigation and landing. Doppler speed measurer. Altimeter and automatic direction finder. Radar equipment. Antenna onboard electronic systems. 7. Basic educational technology. The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, debate in the discussion of the report (synopsis) specific instrumentation. 8. Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests, testing. In the framework of the discipline the interim certification (exam ). airworthiness of aircraft, including production facilities, personnel, equipment, tools (PC-23); - willingness to substantiation of parameters of technological processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, ensuring their effectiveness and quality (PK-24). In the result of mastering discipline student must: to know: methods and means of nondestructive testing of aircraft products; methods of construction of diagnostic models of aircraft products; evaluation methods of efficiency, the search of failures and prediction of technical condition of aircraft products; the basics of state regulation and management in the field of technical operation of the aircraft; the properties of the aircraft as an object of technical exploitation; the contents of the system and software maintenance and repair of aircraft; the technological bases of maintenance and repair; to be able to: quantify and analyze the level of safety, carry out activities to ensure safety; to create the list of documents required for certification of objects of technical operation; select the scan settings and to build diagnostic models of the technical condition of aircraft products, forming algorithms and modes of diagnosis; assess the key operational and technical properties of the aircraft; to own: methods of assessing the impact on safety consequences of failures of aviation equipment, errors of aviation personnel, exposure to adverse conditions; methods of collecting and processing information on the reliability of aircraft products, methods of calculation and statistical evaluation of reliability characteristics, the methods of managing the processes of technical operation of aircraft; control methods. 5. The content of the discipline Module 1. The content of the technological processes of technical maintenance of aviation equipment - the purpose of the maintenance Classification of types of maintenance and their maintenance provide maintenance. Content maintenance airframe General rules for the care of the airframe condition Monitoring airframe Maintenance and maintenance technology airframe General safety requirements for maintenance of the airframe, operating Conditions and basic criteria of efficiency of control mechanisms. Typical failures and damage to the cable and hard transactions of control systems. Adjusting and disassembling and installation work at control systems. Technological features and General safety requirements during routine maintenance of control systems. Contents maintenance chassis. Maintenance technology hydrogate systems. Module 2. Technological processes of technical maintenance of aircraft equipment - General faults and damage to the air conditioning systems and their maintenance. The contents and maintenance technology of power plants. Maintenance of gas turbine engines. Features of maintenance of piston engines. Maintenance fuel and oil systems. General requirements for the preparation of aircraft engines for launch. The process of starting the engines and stages of control. Analysis of the stages of the engine starting. Starting gas turbine engines. The classification process for General purpose and their means of mechanization. Provision of aircraft maintenance related Services. Methods of protection against icing. Towing aircraft. The ways and means of towing. 7.Basic educational technology. The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, discussion when selecting a method of repair of concrete prefabricated units or the selection of variant of technological process. 8.Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests. Within the discipline there are the mid-certification (offset), interim assessment (exam) performed CU.
  • Fundamentals of the theory of technical operation of LA
    Fundamentals of the theory of technical operation of LA 1. The name of the educational program in which to read the discipline: 162300 "Technical exploitation of aircrafts and engines", Specialty: "Technical maintenance of aircrafts and engines" 2. The total complexity (5 Zeta) 3. The place of discipline in the structure of educational programs B3.ДВ1. "Professional series". Academic discipline "fundamentals of the theory of technical operation" refers to the professional cycle. Is the level allowing to use the obtained knowledge during the study of Technological processes of technical maintenance, as well as the performance of final qualifying work. 4. The purpose of discipline: The acquisition of theoretical knowledge, consolidate the practical skills and knowledge to study the discipline, to generalize data obtained from different disciplines of aircraft profile and to place them in the solution of problems operation of the LA. 5. Requirements to results of mastering the discipline The process of discipline is aimed at formation of elements of the following competencies in accordance with GEF and OP HPE in this field of study: a) General cultural competence (OK): the ability to use basic provisions and methods of social, humanitarian and economic Sciences in solving social and professional problems (OK-3); ability and willingness to respect the rights and duties of a citizen, ethical and legal standards in society and the collective, to use legal documents in its activities (OK-6); ability to find organizational and managerial solutions to unusual situations and willingness to take responsibility for them (OK-10); b) professional competence (PC): ability to apply knowledge in practice, including own scientific instruments used in the field of aviation (PC-2); willingness to work in a team, to use aircraft technical documentation in English (PK-3); ability to measure and instrumental control in the operation of aircraft, to carry out the treatment results and to estimate error (PC-4); Organizational - administrative activity: ability to solving problems of planning, organization, information and hardware of the production processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, using basic professional knowledge (PK-7); ability to compile and maintain technical documentation and the established reporting on approved forms, including the accounting resource and technical status of the aircraft (PK-8); the ability to manage information and logistical processes of technical operation of aircraft (PC-9); ability to work in small groups of performers, preparation and retraining of personnel (PC-10); ability to ensure that the regulatory conditions of workers engineering-aviation service, fire safety and environmental protection (PC-11); Industrial-technological activity: ability to the placement, use and maintenance of technological equipment in accordance with the requirements of technological documentation on the basis of the professional basic knowledge (PK-12); ability to perform work on maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft (PK-13); ability to participate in carrying out a range of planned maintenance works to ensure serviceability, performance and readiness of the aircraft for effective use (PC-14); the ability to solve the issues of providing quality maintenance and repairs of aircraft, and certification processes aircraft equipment and certification of personnel (PC-15); Experimental and research activity: the ability to study objects and processes of aircraft operation, including with application of packages of applied programs and elements of mathematical modeling on the basis of the professional basic knowledge (PC-18); Calculation and design activity: the ability to manage (to calculate) the required resources to ensure a process of continued airworthiness of aircraft, including production facilities, personnel, equipment, tools (PC-23); willingness to substantiation of parameters of technological processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, ensuring their effectiveness and quality (PK-24). In the result of mastering discipline student must: Facts: quantitative characteristics of reliability of the recoverable and non-recoverable products; the laws of distribution, methods of statistical evaluation of the reliability of products in operation; the technique of modeling and calculation of reliability to improve the reliability of the products; methods and means of nondestructive testing of aircraft products; methods of construction of diagnostic models of aircraft products; methods for evaluating the health of search of failures and prediction of technical condition of aircraft products; the basics of state regulation and management in the field of technical operation of the aircraft; the properties of the aircraft as an object of technical exploitation; the contents of the system and software maintenance and repair of aircraft; the technological bases of maintenance and repair; To be able to: apply the methods of descriptive geometry to the solution of problems of engineering graphics, to read and execute drawings; to evaluate the properties of aviation materials; to assess the principles of construction and the quality of work of mechanical devices and systems; to assess the level of harmful production factors, to produce environmental assessments of technical projects and solutions; to assess the principles of construction and the quality of work of devices of automatics and automatic control; to quantify and analyze the level of safety, carry out activities to ensure safety; to calculate measurement error, to identify and use quantitative assessment of quality; to create a list of the documentation required for certification of objects of technical operation; to perform the calculation of reliability characteristics, to determine the accuracy and validity of statistical estimates of reliability, to choose scan settings, and to build diagnostic models of the technical condition of aircraft products, forming algorithms and modes of diagnosis; assess the key operational and technical properties of the aircraft. To own: methods of reading and making drawings and electric schemes of products, methods of computer graphics; methods of research of properties of structural materials during operation of the aircraft; methods of assessment of radiation and chemical environment, technology, protection of personnel in emergency situations; methods of assessing safety effects of failures of aviation equipment, errors of aviation personnel, exposure to adverse conditions; methods of calculation of measurement errors, quality control techniques principles of certification of objects of air transport; ways of collecting and processing information on the reliability of aircraft products, methods of calculation and statistical evaluation of reliability characteristics, methods of construction of diagnostic models and tests; methods of managing the processes of technical operation of the aircraft; methods of control of technical condition of aviation equipment; methods of work operational and technical documentation, methods of analysis of efficiency of operating processes, substantiate technical and economic requirements for new types of aircraft, 6. The content of the discipline Module 1: the Flying machine as an object of exploitation. Features of the aircraft design, the Basic requirements in the operation of the aircraft. The reliability of the products of aviation technology . Reliability of products at. The durability of products at . Maintainability of products . Persistence products . Maintainability of the aircraft . A single constructive-technological properties of LA Module 2: Indicators of serviceability. The definition of single indicators. Definition of generalized indicators . Evaluation and analysis of indicators ET . Organization of technical maintenance of aircraft. The system of technical maintenance and repair of the Organization of work on THE aircraft. The types and forms of THE aircraft. The types and forms of Maintenance and repair of the aircraft. Strategy MRO products at . The calculation of indicators of efficiency of PTE. Module 3: Assessment and analysis of the level of effectiveness of PTE .Operational management of the effectiveness of PTE LA .Basic concepts and definitions .The purpose and objectives of the operational management Plan to improve efficiency of PTE Module 4: Ensuring efficiency of technical operation The extended structure of total operating costs. The role of IAS in increasing the efficiency of technical operation of Definition of economic effect of reducing the cost efficiency indicators of PTE LA 7. Basic educational technologies The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, debate in the discussion of the report (abstract) of a specific element of the aircraft structure. 8. Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests, testing. Within the discipline held interim certification (exam).
  • The design of the aircraft
    The design of the aircraft 1. The name of the educational program in which to read the discipline:160100.65 Aircraft and helicopter construction, specialization aircraft. 2. The total complexity (4 Zeta) 3. The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program C3.B13. "Professional series". In the structure of the RPF discipline "Design aircraft" is the level allowing to apply the obtained knowledge in the study of the discipline "Designing of planes and helicopters and efficiency of aviation complexes", as well as the performance of final qualifying work is the design of the airplane or helicopter. 4. The purpose of discipline Students can explore the application, design and operating characteristics of the aircraft. Objectives of discipline are consistent with the objectives of the PLO training specialists in the field of 160100 “Aircraft and helicopter engineering", specialization “Aircraft". 5. Requirements to results of mastering the discipline. The process of discipline is aimed at formation of elements of the following competencies in accordance with GEF and OP HPE in this field of study: in design activities (PKD): - willingness to solve challenging engineering problems using a knowledge base of mathematical and natural Sciences (PKD-1); - skills to obtain, collect, systematize and analyze baseline information for the development of projects of aircraft and their systems. (PKD-2); - ability to learn and use the best practices of aviation and related technical fields in development of aircraft structures (PKD-3); - basic knowledge of modern design and ergonomics (SCA-10); In the result of mastering discipline student must: know: appointment, appearance and parameters of the aircraft and its components; design requirements of the aircraft and its individual units; the existing loads and the structural behavior under load; the purpose and design of components and assemblies of aggregates and systems of aircraft; possible ways of meeting the requirements for the design elements, and examples of the application of various options of designs to be able to: analyse the operation of components of the aircraft under load; analyze and conduct a comparative assessment of the various constructive-power circuits of the components of the aircraft; formulate requirements to the aircraft structure (Assembly) and determine efficient ways of their implementation in the construction of aircraft for various purposes. to possess: aviation terminology; 6. The content of the discipline Module 1: Introduction. The design of the wing. Design of feathers. The design of the fuselage. The design of the chassis. Module 2.:The design of the flight control system. Construction of the power plant. Measures to prevent phenomena of aeroelasticity . Excursion to the aviation Museum. Meeting with representatives of the Bureau. 7. Basic educational technology. The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, debate in the discussion of the report (synopsis) specific instrumentation. 8. Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests, testing. In the discipline of the interim certification (exam).
  • The design and strength of aircraft
    The design and strength of aircraft 1. The name of the educational program in which to read the discipline : 162300 "Technical exploitation of aircrafts and engines", specialization: maintenance of aircraft and engines 2. The total complexity (6 Zet) 3. The place of discipline in the structure of educational programs B3.ДВ1. "Professional series". In the structure of the RPF discipline is "the Design and strength of aircraft" is the level allowing to apply the obtained knowledge in the performance of final qualifying work is "the Provision of the aircraft systems and units". 4. The purpose of discipline To give knowledge about the purpose, design and operational characteristics of aircraft on operating on them loads and the units under load. To study structurally-power circuit assemblies LA, to be able to analyze and give a comparative assessment, to know their requirements and implement these design requirements. 5. Requirements to results of mastering the discipline The process of discipline is aimed at formation of elements of the following competencies in accordance with GEF and OP HPE in this field of study: a) General cultural competence (OK) :the awareness of the social significance of their future profession, possession high motivation to perform professional activities (OK-7); b)professional competence (PC): General: ability to use basic laws of natural-science disciplines in professional activity, to apply methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research (PC-1); -ability to apply knowledge in practice, including own scientific instruments used in the field of aviation (PC-2); -willingness to work in a team, to use aircraft technical documentation in English (PK-W); Production and technological activity: -ability to perform work on maintaining the airworthiness of the aircraft (PK-13); -ability to participate in carrying out a range of planned maintenance works to ensure serviceability, performance and readiness of the aircraft for effective use (PC-14); -ability to resolve issues ensure the quality of maintenance and repair of aircraft, and certification processes aircraft equipment and certification of personnel (PC-15); Experimental and research activity: -the ability to study objects and processes of aircraft operation, including with application of packages of applied programs and elements of mathematical modeling on the basis of the professional basic knowledge (PC-18); -ability to prepare data for preparation of reviews, reports and scientific publications (PC-19); Calculation and design activity: -willingness to substantiation of parameters of technological processes of technical maintenance and repair of aircraft, ensuring their effectiveness and quality (PK-24) In the result of mastering discipline student must: to know: fundamentals of design and durability of aircraft and propulsion systems, fundamentals of design and principles of operation of chassis devices of control systems, hydraulic fuel and high-rise systems, electrical, instrumentation and electronic equipment, flight control and navigation systems of the aircraft; fundamentals of design and operation principles of avionic, their main characteristics; methods to assess robustness and accuracy of automatic control, the basic requirements of the air legislation of the Russian Federation and normative documents in the field of safety, security, control and management of safety in air transport; to be able to: apply the methods of descriptive geometry to the solution of problems of engineering graphics, to read and execute drawings; to assess the level of harmful production factors, to produce environmental assessments of technical projects and solutions; to assess the principles of construction and the quality of work of devices of automatics and automatic control; to quantify and analyze the level of safety, carry out activities to ensure safety; to expect the measurement error to define and use quantitative evaluation of quality; forming a list of the documentation required for certification of objects of technical operation; forming algorithms and modes of diagnosis; assess the key operational and technical properties of the aircraft; to work with operational and technical documentation; to own: methods of reading and making drawings and electric schemes of products, methods of computer graphics; methods of research of properties of structural materials during operation of the aircraft; methods of assessing the impact of failures of aviation equipment, errors of aviation personnel, effects of adverse conditions; methods of calculation of measurement errors, quality control techniques, principles of certification of objects of air transport; ways of collecting and processing information on the reliability of aircraft products, methods of control of technical condition of aircraft; management of operational and technical documentation, methods of analysis of efficiency of operating processes, substantiate technical and economic requirements for new types of aircraft. 6. The content of the discipline Module 1: Factors determining the design of the aircraft. Structural scheme of the aircraft. The concept of the aviation sector. Classification of aircraft. The correlation properties of the aircraft. A brief historical and technical overview of the development of aircraft. The materials of construction. The forces acting on the aircraft in flight. Overload. Overload in various flight conditions. The heating of plane. Norms of strength of the aircraft. Speed limit flight in terms of strength. The scope of the aircraft. Factors influencing the design of the aircraft. Wing. The purpose of the wing and the requirements for it. The external shape of the wing. Loads acting on the wing. The overall picture of the work of the wing under load. Plots of shear forces, bending and torsional moments. The work of the wing under load (transmission sequence acting on the wing loads to the nodes it is attached).The purpose and design of the main power elements. Structurally-power circuit of the wings. Comparative evaluation langeronii and decompression (monoblock) wings of their application. The principles of the butt of the wings of different KSS. The constructive design of the cutouts in the wing structure. Design features of the sock, and the tail end parts of the wing fairings. Features of the design and operation of swept and triangular wings. Features of power diagrams and root parts of swept wings. Swept wings with a fracture of the axes of the longitudinal elements of the set. Swept wings without breaking the axes of the longitudinal power elements with internal braced girder. The forward-swept wing. Rotary wings. Triangular wings. Articulated wing. Module 2.: The moving parts of the wing. General provisions. The mechanization of the wing. Purpose and requirements. Types of mechanization of the wing. Ailerons. Adaptive wing. The purpose of the stabilizer and the requirements for it. The load on the tail and the tail is under load. Design of the horizontal tail. The design of the vertical stabilizer. The design of the all-moving horizontal tail. Diagram of a V-tail. Module 3: Design of the chassis. Structurally-power circuit chassis and their analysis. The design of the flight control system. The layout and fastening of elements of the management system. Module 4:Design of the power plant. The design of the nodes. The rigidity of the structure. Fluctuations units of a glider in flight of the engine mount. Measures to prevent phenomena of aeroelasticity. 7. Basic educational technology. The training process uses of electronic presentations to lectures, conducted examinations, debate in the discussion of the report (abstract) of a specific element of the aircraft structure. 8. Forms of control The current control provides verification of knowledge through oral questioning, tests, testing. In the discipline of the interim certification (offset).