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Irina Petrovna Malichenko 

+7(960) 457-30-01

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Research interests:

Research interests Malichenko I.P. linked to the innovative development of the economic agents in the market of educational services, management of innovative technologies in the system of professional and corporate education, design knowledge management systems, implementation of innovative potential mechanism for socio-economic systems.

Research projects:

• Diploma of I degree for his work "The modernization of vocational training in terms of public-private partnership" in the nomination "The best research work" at the All-Russian contest "Innovative management staff - 2015" with the support of the State University of Management and the National Union of Organizations Training in personnel management, Moscow.
• Diploma of I degree for his work "The virtual corporate university as an innovative mechanism for business and university cooperation in vocational education" in the nomination "The best research work" at the All-Russian contest "Innovative HR management - 2015" with the support of the State University of Management, and the National Union of Organizations on training in the field of personnel management, Moscow.
• Diploma of III degree for the best research work of young scientists of federal universities "Development of a knowledge management strategy of the national companies in accordance with the socio-economic priorities of the Russian Federation", 2014.
• Diploma of III degree in the category "The best article of the knowledge management," the All-Russian contest "The best scientific paper for Human Resources - 2014", Moscow State University of Management, the National Union of Personnel Management.


  • Personnel management Economics
  • Knowledge Management
  • Economy and audit personnel
  • HR analytics