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Olga Tikhonovna Ievleva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 20024

Head of the department

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Research interests:

The research, formalization and modeling of geometric aspects of architectural design and construction;

Information technology architectural design (information models, systems, data and knowledge bases);

The development of information systems to support the learning process of students-architects and designers ( an educational systems, testing systems and development of professional skills systems);

history and theory of architecture, architecture of buildings and structures

Research projects:

Architectural planning modernization of sports facilities on the basis of information approach/

The information retrieval system of architectural monuments of Rostov-on-Don and region.

The information retrieval system of the medieval architecture of the North Caucasus.

The visualization of historical and theoretical researches architectural heritage.


  • Modern computer technology in architectural design
    The purpose of discipline is formation of system of knowledge and professional competences, allowing to use modern means of computer technologies for scientific research in architecture, design and teaching.
  • Computer graphics and drawing
    The purpose of discipline is formation at the student of system of theoretical knowledge, practical skills of creating and reading architectural drawings, using methods and rules of their implementation and execution of traditional ways; and the expression of compositional ideas and results of the design by means of computer geometric modeling, raster and vector computer graphics.