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Ivan Yurievich Golushko 

+7(918) 553-51-34

Senior researcher

Faculty of Physics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

My scientific interests lies at the crossing of solid state physics, soft matter, and biology. I deal with theoretical description of structures of sizes smaller then whole cells but larger than single molecules. I am most interested in cell lipid membranes, their properties, and mechanisms of interaction with proteins. I also had an opportunity to work on models of non-biological nanostructures, such as carbon nanotubes [5].

Currently I am mostly focused on theoretical description of experiments with tubular lipid membranes (TLMs). I took part in development of the model of TLM with adsorbed proteins on its surface. In living cells as well as in biomimetic systems such structures are usually formed from lipid vesicles by pulling. TLMs play role of channels and cargos in cell exchange processes and are observed in a whole series of cellular organelles, such as Golgi complex, ribosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. In vitro experiments with TLMs as model systems in combination with adequate theoretical models allow for better understanding of various intracellular processes.

Selected publications:

  1. I.Yu. Golushko, S.B. Rochal and V.L. Lorman, Multipole analysis of the strain-mediated coupling between proteins adsorbed at tubular lipid membrane surface, EPJ E, Vol. 39, N 128, 2016.
  2. M. Simunovic, E. Evergren, I. Golushko, C. Prévost, H.-F. Renard, L. Johannes, H.T. McMahon, V. Lorman, G. A. Voth, and P. Bassereau, How curvature-generating proteins build scaffolds on membrane nanotubes, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 113, N  40, 11226–11231, 2016.
  3. Golushko, I.Y., Rochal, S.B., Tubular lipid membranes pulled from vesicles: Dependence of system equilibrium on lipid bilayer curvature, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., Vol. 122, N1, 169-175, 2016.
  4. I.Yu. Golushko, S.B. Rochal, V.L. Lorman, Complex instability of axially compressed tubular lipid membrane with controlled spontaneous curvature, EPJ E, Vol. 38, N 112, 2015.
  5. M.V. Avramenko, I.Yu. Golushko, A.E. Myasnikova, S.B. Rochal, Vibrational heat capacity of carbon nanotubes at low and ultra-low temperatures, Physica E, Vol. 68, N 4, 133-139, 2015.

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