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Irina Frolova 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13058

Associate Professor

Faculty of Economics

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Tax, Accounting and audit, Finance.

Research projects:

Master's program: Accounting, Analysis and audit


  • Accounting and audit
    Structure, content and procedure for the formation of financial reporting. Types and models of the analysis of financial statements. Methods of assessing the level of financial performance. Structural analysis of the balance sheet and its dynamics.
  • Accounting of foreign economic activity
    At present, Russian companies participate in the global exchange of goods makes serious demands on the organization of production processes. An integral part of such processes for the participating companies is correct from the point of view of current practice and current legislation the organization of business procedures, determining the course and impact of foreign economic activity. In this regard, the definition of economic efficiency of foreign economic relations, so necessary to justify the proposals for the sale and purchase of goods, to select trade options as well as for the evaluation of proposed projects designed for the long term and of great importance for the development of the company's development strategy is quite relevant today and the problem makes it necessary to study it in the learning process. In this tutorial you will learn the basics of accounting of foreign economic activity (FEA) held companies - participants of foreign trade in the Russian Federation.