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Ilya Mikhailovich Borodyansky 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30055

+7(928) 909-57-82


Communication, Library and Information Media Centre

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

  • Information-measuring systems,
  • Metrological provision of measuring systems,
  • Greation of geoinformation systems,
  • Greation, processing and analysis of cadastral information.
  • Microprocessor technology and programmable integrated circuits

Embedded inventions:

• Interface block for moving objects tracking system – KBP, Tula, 1997-2001. Kavchuk S.V. Collection of laboratory works N1-4 for the course "Geodesy", Part I. 2006. 103 pages.

• Schematic solutions applied in the body of control module (MKK KYUTS. 411212.001) for automated test systems for process and prelaunch control of orbital robotic spacecrafts. OAO RKK "Energia", Korolev, Moscow region. 2001-2006.

Among publications:

• Borodyansky I.M., Turulin I.I. The use of recursive KIH -filters to suppress interference in the automatic control of the insulation resistance // Izv. SFU. Technical science. No. 10 (183). 2016. p. 99-110.

• Borodyansky I.M., Borodyansky Yu.M., Borisov E.A. Architecture of the Information Testing System for Monitoring the Onboard Equipment of a Spacecraft. / Informatization and Communication, Moscow: 2015., No.3. Pp. 64-67. ISSN 2078-8320 (Total volume 0.25 p.s., personal contribution 0.083 p.s.)

• Dagayev A.V., Borodyansky I.M., Borodyansky Yu.M. Mathematical Models of Systems with Different Service Strategies / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8 66121, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2013, 181 p., ISBN 978-3-8473-1667-6.

• Borodyansky I.M., Turulin I.I., Borodyansky Yu.M. Measurement of insulation resistance of electrical circuits. Methods and devices for measuring the insulation resistance of electrical circuits under voltage / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. 2012. 171p.

• Prospects for the use of neural networks in cardiometry. Kamyshev, Konstantin, V ; Kureichik, Viktor M. ; Borodyanskiy, Ilya M. Cardiometry. Issue 17, pp. 85-91. Posted on 2020

• Review of the recommender systems application in cardiology. Kamyshev, Konstantin, V ; Kureichik, Viktor M. ; Borodyanskiy, Ilya M. CARDIOMETRY. Issue 16, Page 97-105 Posted on 2020



Research projects:

Project «Development, research and production of an automated process control system for microwave training devices» (Project part, State task ), Ministry of  Education and Science of the Russian Federation;

Scientometric indicators:

Scopus                      6506889238

РИНЦ SPIN              8497-5873

Orcid – 0000-0002-7929-0164

РИНЦ AuthorID         643074

WebOfScience ResearcherID: AAA-7503-2021

Google Scholar – vcMbL1oAAAAJ


  • Metrology standardization and measurement tools (20.03.01, 29.03.04)
    The objective of teaching the discipline is to develop students' knowledge, skills and abilities in the fields of activity, standardization, metrology and technical measurements. The main objectives of the discipline are as follows: 1) to give the theoretical foundations of metrology, methods and algorithms for processing measurement results, the principles of the construction of measuring instruments and their metrological characteristics; 2) to give an idea of the methods of measurement, testing and quality control of products, methods and means of forming the methodological and technical support of the processes of measurement, testing and control with the required quality, as well as taking into account economic, legal and other requirements.
  • Geographic and land information systems (21.03.02)
    The objectives of studying the discipline "Geographic and land information systems" are to provide the future specialists with basic ideas about modern information technologies in cartography, consider the main issues of organization, interaction and functionality of geographic information systems (GIS) and use them in cartography when creating and using cartographic works.
  • State Real Estate Cadastre (21.03.02)
    The objectives of the discipline "State Real Estate Cadastre" (GKN) development are the theoretical development of the main sections of the discipline and forming a reasonable understanding of the possibility and role of the course in solving national economic problems. Mastering the discipline is aimed at acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in using data from the state real estate cadastre, maintaining cadastral registration of land plots and capital construction objects. Acquisition of skills for cadastral work, the formation of a land survey plan, familiarization with software tools for the formation of a land survey plan.
  • Engineering and computer graphics (12.03.04, 26.05.04)
    The discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" is intended for teaching methods of depicting objects and the general rules of drawing, including using computer technologies. The objectives of mastering the discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" are: Development of figurative, spatial thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize geometric shapes; Developing skills to express the properties of spatial objects and relationships between them by means of a geometric model, the development of design documentation using computer technology;
  • Microprocessor technology and programmable integrated circuits (12.03.01)
    The objectives of mastering the discipline are to form students' knowledge on the principles of construction, hardware and software of programmable logic controllers, on the methodology of their application in various processing devices, instrumentation, protection devices. In the process of studying the discipline, the student must learn the features of the architecture and software of controllers and microcontrollers, and study typical controllers.