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Irina Anatolevna Zyubina 


Associate Professor

Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Implicit Pragmalinguistics, Functional Pragmalinguistics, Political linguistics, Rhetoric, Legal Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Multimodal Studies, Digital Humanities.

Research projects:

Russian State Science Foundation grant "Cultural, linguistic and pragmatic aspects of parliamentary communication in the EU countries (UK, Germany, France, the European Parliament)." In cooperation with a group of scientists from Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University and SFU. 

Personal identifiers of scientific databases:

Scopus Author ID: 57194704279

Web Of Science: J-5205-2017

Orcid: 0000-0002-1265-8366

РИНЦ Author ID: 328880

РИНЦ SPIN: 5470-5790



  • Practical Course of the Second Foreign Language, 2nd year
    The discipline purpose is to teach the language aspects and kinds of communicative activity in the second foreign language (English).
  • Practical Work on the Culture of Speech Communication of the Second Foreign Language, 4th year
    The program is intended to form students' skills in intercultural communication in its language, subject and active forms according to the patterns of behavior in the culture of the studied language.
  • Literature of the Countries of the Second Foreign Language, 3d course
    The lecture course helps to improve the students' skills of listening and speaking on the historical and literary material, along with the formation of the concept of the British literature development, the change of the dominant literary trends, styles and genres. During the course, students expand their horizons, implement the socio-cultural and education lingocultural components.
  • Country Study of the Second Foreign Language, 4th year
    The discipline purpose is to form regional geographic competence which is necessary for the knowledge of the second foreign language as a means of studying based on the system of knowledge about the stages of historical development, social reality, economy and culture of the language.
  • History and Culture of Great Britain, 5th year, part-time study
    The aim of the discipline is to develop the students' conscious attitude to regional geographic and cultural topics, to introduce modern realities of one of the most developed countries in the English-speaking world - the UK.
  • Literature of the Countries of the Second Foreign Language, 4th course, part-time study
    The aim of the course is to introduce the theoretical aspects of the literary phenomena under study, to help understand the general and the particular in the literary process, to acquire and assimilate the concepts of the world literary process's general patterns.

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