Ilya Aleksandrovich Verbenko
Research interests:
• Physics of ferroelectrics, piezoelectrics and ferromagnets.
• Physical and chemical analysis.
• Solid-phase synthesis of complex oxides of oxygen-octahedral and related materials.
• Interaction of ferroelectric and magnetic subsystems.
• Relaxation Processes in Solids.
• Design, development and application of high-performance ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials.
Research projects:
Number 2.01.09 "Investigation of magnetoelectric phase states of complex oxides in various solid states (mono- and polycrystalline ceramics and composites, heteroepitaxial films, heterostructures)" (2009, 2010), 2.2.09 "Creation, study of the structure and physical properties of lead-free electrically active materials based on Nb- containing compounds and solid solutions "(2011), number 2.2.11« Phases education and ferroelectric, piezoelectric dielectric properties of multicomponent systems based on compounds with different thermodynamic prehistory "(2011) (head), number 2.9. 11 "Revealing the regularities of formation of nano-, micro- macroscopic (including giant) properties in heterogeneous environments, depending on the degree of covalency and hardness (A-D) connections" (2011); N 2.5930.2011 «The phase formation and ferroelectric, piezoelectric dielectric properties of multicomponent systems based on compounds with different thermodynamic prehistory" (2012-2014) (head); 2.5940.2011 "Synthesis and study of heat-resistant niobate and ferrite-manganite perovskite structures and shpinelepodobnyh states. Federal Target Program "Research and development in priority areas of Russian scientific and technological complex for 2007-2012" (GC N 16.513.11.3032 "Development of methods for the creation of ceramic and composite metamaterials based on multi-media with periodic structure acoustic irregularities ..."). Federal Target Program "Research and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013 (GC N 16.740.11.0587 «spatially inhomogeneous medium coexisting with piezo (ferro) magnetic states: ordered phases, critical and sub-critical events, eco-friendly materials for highly sensitive microwave -priёmnikov, anisotropic strain detectors, non-volatile ferroelectric memory and the spin-electronic converters pezosegnetomagnitnyh "(leader), HA N16.740.11.0142" Combination parametric modular design and multi-functional environments and the creation of environmentally sound technologies ... "). RFBR N08-02-01013-a. "Collective local and nanoscale ferroelectric distortion in heterogeneous structures", RFBR N11-02-00484-and "modulated, magneto and ferromagnetic state in high-temperature multiferroics" RFBR N11-02-12140-ofi-m-2011 "Development of highly sensitive, stable over a wide temperature range pezomagnitoelektricheskih (multiferroic) materials and environmentally friendly, resource-saving technologies of their creation with high magnetodielectric and magnetoelectric effects of information processing devices (writing, reading, chetyrёhbitnoy memory storage), electrically (magnetically) controlled microwave devices and adaptive highly piezomagnetic detectors ". Internal Grant N 213.01-2014 / 012VG "Disordered Systems with ions of 3d-metals: a solid solution phase, the structure of the cluster, domain systems and nanoscale regions exhibiting piezoelectric and magnetoelectric effects. New materials for non-volatile random access memory devices ". Russian President's Scholarships (SP-1613.2012.3, 2012-2014.).