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Igor Alexandrovich Kudryashov 


Institute of Philology, Journalism, and Intercultural Communication

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Research interests:

Speech act theory, dialogic communication theory, literary text theory, narratology: cognitive and pragmatic aspects

Research projects:

communicative freedom in oral and written discourse


  • introduction into the language studies
    This course gives an introduction into the study of languages, the field of linguistics. With the support of the basic linguistic terminology that is offered in the course, you will soon be able to comment both on variety between languages, as well as on a single languages internal structure. Anyone who wishes to understand how languages work, and how they can give us insight into the human mind is very welcome to join.
  • history of linguistics
    The history of linguistics is bound up with various theories which have been proposed in the attempt at explaining the nature of the human language faculty. These theories can be grouped into several broad categories which correspond roughly to historical epochs.
  • methods of linguistic investigations
    Distributional analysis; is used on different levels of language analysis. The identification of lexical and structural meaning of the word is based on its corresponding distribution. Distribution; possible variants of the immediate lexical, grammatical and phonetical environment of a linguistic unit. Transformational analysis; changing of a sentence, phrase or formula according to a certain model and following certain rules. Component analysis ; attempt to describe the meaning of words in terms of a universal inventory of semantic components and their possible combinations. Contextual method ; is based on assumption that difference in meaning of linguistic units is always indicated by the difference in environment. It concentrates its attempts on determining minimum stretch of speech and the conditions, necessary to reveal in which of its individual meanings the word is used.
  • branding and advertizing in marketing communications
    Advertising is meant to turn our attention towards a product by providing information that goes well beyond simply calling their attention to it. Âdvertising is an indirect way of turning a potential customer towards the advertised product or service by providing information that is designed to effect a favourable impression, what company will call a positive brand attitude. This will be true regardless of whether company are dealing with fast-moving consumer package goods (fmcg) example food or household cleaners, advertising of heavy industrial equipment manufacturer, or non-profit organizations. If any type of communication is to work some very basic things must occur. A person must have the opportunity to see or hear the message, must pay attention to it, understand what is being presented and then act upon the message in the desired manner.
  • psychological aspects of professional activity
    A philologist is a highly qualified multipurpose expert in the field of linguistics, theory and history of literature, editorial-and-publishing activity, journalism, and document science.