Irina Anatolievna Breus
Associate Professor
Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich
Research interests:
Theory and methodology of mathematical education
Research projects:
The development of spatial thinking of students in learning geometry
Theory and methodology of mathematical education
Methods of teaching mathematics in middle and secondary school
The geometric construction of the perspective drawing
The theory of perspective. The construction of perspective images of geometric shapes and the decision of positional and metric tasks in the perspective views. Prospective analysis of literary works of art. Some possibilities of application of technology of humanization of mathematical education of schoolchildren.
The development of spatial thinking in teaching geometry in high school
The definition and meaning of spatial thinking. Stage of formation. Didactic measures for the development of spatial thinking of students, methods of development and implementation of special developmental exercises, methods of diagnosing the level of development of spatial thinking in high school students
Theory and methodology of mathematical education in specialized schools, specialized secondary and higher educational institutions
Theoretical bases and methods of teaching mathematics in schools with profound studying of mathematics. The specifics of teaching mathematics in colleges and UNIVERSITIES.