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Irina Alexandrovna Bakaeva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11644

Associate Professor

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Scientific interests:
- Psychological support of gifted children in education.
- Initiation of independent activity of students in distance education.
- Prevention of addictions among young people.



  1. Articles (Web of Science)

1.     Bakaeva I.A. The Study of Personality Profile of Distance Education Teacher / I.A. Bakaeva,  L.N. Vanzha // Russian Psychological Journal. 2015. Vol. 12. N 3. PP. 16–32.

  1. Articles (Scopus)

1. Irina V. Abakumova, Irina A. Bakaeva, Karina Y. Kolesina.Technologies of initiating students into independent (self-guided) activity in supplementary distance learning// (IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education Vol. 4, No.2, 2016.

  1. Articles reviewed by State Commission of Academic Degrees and Titles:
  1. Bakaeva I.A. The Study of Personality Profile of Distance Education Teacher / I.A. Bakaeva,  L.N. Vanzha // Russian Psychological Journal. 2015. Vol. 12. N 3. PP. 16–32.
  2. Bakaeva I.A. Theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign studies of independent cognitive activity of pupils / I.A. Bakaeva // Psychology of education. 2015. N 8. PP. 22-36.
  3. Bakaeva I.A. Technology of initiating independent activity of students in the system of distance education / I.V. Abakumova, I.A. Bakaeva, V.M. Golubova, A.E. Moskalenko // Southern Federal University Journal. Pedagogical sciences. 2015. N 12. PP. 139-147.
  1. Peer-reviewed publications:
  1. Bakaeva I.A. Personality profile of a distance education teacher / I.A. Bakaeva // North Caucasus Psychological Mercury. 2015. N 13/1. P. 33-40.
  2. Bakaeva I.A. The development of theoretical ideas about the independent activity of gifted students [Text] / I.A. Bakaeva // North Caucasus Psychological Mercury. 2014. N 12/3. P. 12-17. – Author’s contribution is 0,5 quire

Research projects:


- "Development of program of psychological adaptation of first-year students in SFU educational space"

- Psychological characteristics of initiation of independent activity of teenagers in conditions of distance education

Participation in project of summer thematic session on prevention of psychoactive substance dependence among young people "Prevention technology"

Head of student lab "Interactive technologies in education"



  • "General psychology"
  • "Educational psychology"
  • "Training work with children"
  • "Psychological trainings"
  • Psychological support for gifted children and adolescents
  • Psychological and pedagogical support of students with special educational needs