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Gregory Sklyarenko 

Head of the department

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Research interests:

Head of the Department of Geoecology and Applied Geochemistry of the Institute of Geosciences SfedU.

Head of the direction of training "Ecology and nature management.

Grеgory Yu. Sklyarenko entered the Faculty of Geology and Geography of Rostov State University in 2000. Since 2002, he was engaged in scientific work as part of the team of the Department of Mineral Deposits. In 2005 he graduated from the University with honors and received the qualification "Mining Engineer". In the same year he entered the graduate school of Rostov University and in 2010 he defended his Ph.D. thesis (Ph.D.) on the topic: Titanium-zirconium placers of the southeastern slope of the Voronezh anteclise, with the award of the degree of candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences.

Since 2002, Gregory Sklyarenko has been working at the Southern Federal (formerly Rostov State) University at the Department of Mineral Deposits, then at the Department of Mineralogy and Pertrography as a laboratory assistant, engineer, lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor. At present, he is an associate professor of the Department of Geoecology and Applied Geochemistry, the leading direction of the preparation of bachelor's and master's degrees "Ecology and Nature Management".

Continuing education: in 2007, he completed continuing education courses at the Russian State Geological Prospecting University (Moscow) with the qualification "Diamond Evaluation Expert".

In 2010 he defended his Ph.D. thesis (Ph.D.): Titanium-zirconium placers in the deposits of the Poltava Group of the Miocene of the southeastern slope of the Voronezh anteclise.

In 2016, he graduated with honors from the master's degree program at the Faculty of Economics of SFedU (master's program "Applied Macroeconomics and Economic Policy").

Research interests include: geoecology, environmental geochemistry, groundwater and surface water quality, environmental and economic problems of exploration and development of mineral deposits; thermobarogeochemistry; gemology.

Research projects:

RSF grant 2014-2016 "Integral assessment and forecast of the state of water resources and their quality within the technogenically disturbed geosystems of coal-mining territories on the basis of complex geochemical, geophysical and ecotoxicological studies".

"Environmental monitoring and industrial environmental control during repair dredging and dumping of soil on the Donetsk Rift of the Don River and correction of damage to aquatic biological resources after the completion of dredging".

"Donetsk coal basin as a natural and technogenic biogeochemical province and its impact on the hydroecological state of the Lower Don and Taganrog Bay of the Azov Sea".


  • Ecological geology
    Within the discipline "Ecological Geology", the features of the mutual influence of mankind on the geological environment and the geological environment on mankind and biota are considered.
  • Environmental geochemistry
    Geochemical processes occurring on the surface and in the depths of our planet greatly affect the comfort of human life. They are aggravated by the fact that humanity has become a powerful independent geological force. The discipline shows the role of natural and anthropogenic geochemical processes in the impact on the environment and humans.
  • Geoecological problems of mining
    Subsoil use is one of the types of human activity that has a powerful impact on the environment (OS). Exploration and development of deposits of various minerals are associated with the manifestation of many negative consequences: chemical pollution of natural environments, violation of the integrity of rock massifs, violation of the groundwater regime, etc. Within the discipline "Geoecological problems of subsoil use", the features and consequences of human impact on the environment are considered.
  • Geochemistry (General Geochemistry)
    The processes of migration and patterns of distribution of chemical elements that geochemistry studies underlie the features of the modern structure of our planet and the universe as a whole. However, in addition to the cosmological aspect, geochemistry studies purely applied features of the Earth's structure associated with the formation of mineral deposits.
  • Methods and means of groundwater quality control
    Groundwater is one of the most important components of the geological environment. Their important role is especially pronounced in the face of a shortage of clean drinking water on the planet. Therefore, the study of the quality of groundwater and the characteristics of anthropogenic impact on them is beyond doubt.