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Sulyaymanova Valiakhmetovna Galia 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Law

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Working right

working right - is this the independent branch of Russian right, whose standards regulate the working relations between works by nick and employers and other relations, directly connected with the working (relation on job placement in this employer, relation on the social partnership, relation on organization of labor and control of labor and others). The sphere of influence of working right is completely wide. Its standards regulate working relations in all organizations (legal persons) independent of of organizational- lawful forms and forms of property, and also in the employers - of the physical persons.

Right social welfare

Social security law regulates the specific complex of social relations of a distributive nature arising between citizens and bodies of the social security system in connection with provision to citizens of certain types of social security. It is the relations arising in connection with the money form of security (pensions, allowances, benefits); relations in connection with provision to citizens of various kinds of social services (social services for the elderly, disabled, families with children, etc.); relations arising in connection with other types of social care for the elderly, children, disabled and other categories of citizens.

Legislation about job placement and employment


  • Working right
  • Right social welfare