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Gennady Sergeevich Panatov 

+7(863) 437-16-97


Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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  • Introduction to project activities
    The content of professional activity of the bachelor in the field of training "Technical operation of aircraft and engines". Principles of flight. Classification of aircraft. Basics of aerodynamics. Basics of aircraft flight dynamics. Aerodynamic layout of the aircraft. Helicopters. Fundamentals of strength and stiffness of aircraft. The main elements of the aircraft design. Bases for design of power plants aircraft. On-Board systems and equipment of the aircraft. The basis for the production of aircraft. Basics of flight and technical operation of aircraft
  • Basics of aviation technology and aviation history
    Introduction. Goals and objectives of the discipline.The first flight experiments. Balloons and balloons. Airships. Glider as a harbinger of the aircraft. Development of aviation during the First world war. Development of aviation in the period between the end of the First and the beginning of the Second world warrior. Creation of jet aircraft. Development of military aviation in the period after the Second world war to the present time. Development and application of aviation during the Second world war. The birth of civil aviation in The period after the Second world war and to the present time. History of creation and development of rotary wing aircraft.
  • Project 1 course
    Stages of work on the project: pre-project; stage of work planning; stage of generalization; presentation of the results
  • Project 2 course
    The stages of work on the project: analysis of the objectives of the study; work planning stage; synthesis phase; presentation of the results.