Galina Sergeevna Denisova
Research interests:
Ethno-social and ethno-political processes in the South of Russia. Migration in the South of Russia. Development of civil society and civil education in Russia.
Research projects:
Professor Denisova has been the project manager of 19 research projects supported by various foundations. In particular:
General and specific features in adaptation of Russian-speaking migrants: comparative analysis of the processes in Germany and Russia (SFedU grant N 154) - 2008
Monitoring of social tension in eastern territories of Rostov region: the role of ethnic factor. (Rostov region administration grant) - 2011
Ethnological monitoring of interethnic relations and religious situation, comprehension of the Caucasian War of XIX outcome and the so called Cherkess issue. (STATE TASK N 213.01.- 11/2014-39) - 2014
Monitoring od international relations and religious situation; analysing the issues of ethno-cultural historical ediucation; analysing language policy in the territories of Southern Federal District (STATE TASK N 213.01.- 11/2015-2) - 2015
Learning through Service - a Cross Cultural Approach to Engaging Students in Civil Society (USpRussia Peer-to-Peer Dialigue Program) - 2014-2015
methodology of social studies and humanities
Purpose: getting knowledge and practical skills in developing programs and methods of gathering social information and analyzing it. Technology of designing a particular social research on modern issues of social development.
Content: Mastering methods of quantitative research in social science. Ways of measuring social features. Methods of conducting questionnaire research, content-analysis of documents. Measuring data reliability and validity. Mastering methods of qualitative research in social science. Ways of gathering material for analysis.
Service learning projects in educational establishments
Pupose: mastering projet development skills as a service learning tool.
Content: First module - mastering essence and main approaches to making social projects. Typology of project making. Teamwork rules in project making. Second module is oriented at shaping project work skills, going through all stages of project design and implementation. Project planning, project finance.
Urban development in social studies
The purpose of the course: exploring the modern stage urban studies development in historical retrospective, shaping skills to apply theory of sociology to analyzing modern problems of city life.
Content: First module contains main classical and modern theoretical approaches to analyzing the city, theories of European sociologists (M. Weber, G. Simmel), Chicago school of sociology, Russian school of sociology. Modern trends of urban development: segregation, appearance of ghettos, reshaping of urban space. Second module deals with designing modern urban research. Students practice developing their own research projects targeted at studying aspects and issues of modern city life.
Urban anthropology
The purpose of the course: studying social and cultural differentiation of a modern city and identifying various types of human adaptation strategies to urban life, description of urban culture and citizens types variety.
Content: History of urban studies in culture and anthropology, methods of urban life studies in culture and anthropology. Urban culture: the essence and trends. Urban subcultures. Modern city life style, etc.
Sociological style of thinking
Purpose: shaping general social research curiosity. Reviewing contemporary realities through the variety of social connections, human activity, methods of collecting and analyzing social data.
Content: Thinking paradigm ; personal, social and cultural stereotypes. Scientific paradigms ; factors, standards, analogies. Sociological aspect of how social and natural factors are interrelated. Peculiarities of social aspects.