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Larisa Aleksandrovna Ginis 

Associate Professor

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Computer Science and Information Systems

Among the latest works:
1. Ginis L.A. Modeling and the analysis of complex systems on the basis of fuzzy graphs models / A.V. Bozhenyuk, L.A. Ginis // Life Sciences Journal – 2014. – Vol. 11, N 7s – pp.187–191. ISSN: 1097-8135 (Scopus).

2. Ginis L.A. The use of fuzzy cognitive maps for the analysis of structure of social and economic system for the purpose of its sustainable development / L.A. Ginis // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2015. – Vol 6, No 3, S5 – pp. 113-118; p-ISSN: 2039-9340 / e-ISSN: 2039-2117 (Scopus).

3. Ginis L.A. Cognitive and simulation modeling of development of regional economy system / L.A. Ginis, G.V. Gorelova, A.E. Kolodenkova // International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. – 2016. – Vol 6, No 5S, pp. 97-103. ISSN: 2146-4138 (Scopus).

4. Ginis L.A. Analysis of problem oriented systems structure with uncertainty based on fuzzy graphs / A.V. Bozhenyuk, L.A. Ginis // Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Information Technologies in Science, Management, Social Sphere and Medicine (ITSMSSM 2016). – 2016. – Vol. 51 – pp. 542-545 (WoS).

5. L.A. Ginis. Modeling of Achievement of the Reference Situation in the Conditions of Uncertainty / L.A. Ginis, S. P. Vovk // Proceedings of 2016 13TH International Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2016). In 12 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 2. Novosibirsk. 2016. pp. 230-232. IEEE Catalog Number:  CFP16471-PRT. ISBN: 978-5-7782-2992-5 (т. 1). (WoS)

6.  ​Ginis, L.A. Modeling of Development Scenarios of Critically Important Objects for Support of Adoption of Scientifically Based Decisions / L.A. Ginis, A.E. Kolodenkova // ACSR - Advances in Computer Science Research (Proc. ser. of ITSMSSM 2017). – 2017. – Vol. 72 – pp.114-118 (WoS).

7. Ginis, L.A. Cognitive and Simulation Modeling of Socioeconomic Systems / L.A. Ginis, G.V. Gorelova, A.E. Kolodenkova // ACSR - Advances in Computer Science Research (Proc. ser. of ITSMSSM 2017). – 2017. – Vol. 72 – pp.50-54 (WoS). 

8. Ginis, L.A. The development of geoinformation system elements for solving application tasks in an AutoCad Map 3D environment / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // ACSR - Advances in Computer Science Research (Proc. ser. of ITSMSSM 2017). – 2017. – Vol. 72 – pp. 359-362 (WoS).

9. Ginis, L.A. The Development of Geographic Information System Model for Information Flows Monitoring of Complex Objects / L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // IEEE Conference 2017 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines (Omsk, 2017). 2017. pp.1–4 (WoS, Scopus).

10. Ginis, L.A. Optimum Nominal Method for the Best Scenario Choice / L.A. Ginis, A.E. Kolodenkova // Proceedings of 2018 14TH International Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2018). In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 4. Novosibirsk. 2018. pp. 132-134. (IEEE)

11. Ginis, L.A. Expert Estimates Processing and Decision-Making Taking Into Account Non-factors / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // Proceedings of 2018 14TH International Scientific-technical Conference on actual problems of electronic instrument engineering (APEIE-2018). In 8 Volumes. Vol. 1 Part 4. Novosibirsk. 2018. pp. 84-87. (IEEE)

12. Ginis, L.A. Decision-making under the conditions of fuzziness and multicriteria on the example of urban planning / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, A.E. Kolodenkova // Materials Science Forum, – 2018 Vol. 931. – pp. 840-844 (Scopus)

13. Ginis, L.A. Aircraft & Space Interfaces Testing with National Instruments Equipment / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // Proceedings of 2018 3rd Russian-Pacific Conference on Computer Technology and Applications (RPC 2018), Vladivostok, 2018. (IEEE, Scopus)

14. Ginis, L.A. Objects Selection and Recognition During Remote Sensing Images Digital Processing by Means of LabVIEW / S.V. Levoniuk, L.A. Ginis // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ; 2019, Vol. 698 (Scopus) DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/698/4/044015

15. Ginis, L.A. Acquisition and Reducing of Redundancy of Measuring Information on the basis of National Instruments Reconfigurable Input-output Modules in Technical System Diagnosis / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko, S.V. Levoniuk // Proceedings of International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon-2019), 8-14 Sept. 2019, Sochi, Russia (IEEE, Scopus) DOI: 10.1109/RUSAUTOCON.2019.8867805

16. Ginis L.A. Methodological basis of simulation and cognitive modelling technology of socio-economic systems / L.A. Ginis // Journal of Physics: Conference Series, ; 2020, Vol. 1661, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1661/1/012035 (Scopus, WoS)

17. Ginis L.A. Geoinformation Project as Complex Object Forecasting and Decision Making Tool in Intelligent Information and Management Systems / L.A. Ginis, L.V. Gordienko // Proceedings of International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon-2020), 6-12 Sept. 2020, Sochi, Russia (IEEE, Scopus)

18. Ginis L.A., Gordienko L.V., Kudryakhin V.V. Development of a Geoinformation Project as a Tool for Support Decision Making in the Subject Area // Proc. of 2021 International Russian Automation Conference (RusAutoCon 2021), pp. 579-584 DOI:  10.1109/RusAutoCon52004.2021.9537509  (IEEE, Scopus

Research projects:

Project «Methods and means of decision making on base of dynamic geographic information models» (Project part, State task 2.918.2017/4.6), Ministry of  Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
Project N 19-01-00412А "Development of models and algorithms of cognitive and neuroevolutionary modeling to support decision - making in intelligent information management systems", Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 
Project N 19-07-00570А "Bioinspired models of problem-oriented systems and their application methods for classification, clustering, recognition and optimization problems, including big data", Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 
Project N 16-07-00335 «Hierarchical organization of neuroevolutionary calculations», Russian Foundation for Basic Research. 
Project N 16-07-00336 «The development of theories and the application of metaheuristic models, methods and algorithms for the computational tasks of acceptance of optimal solutions», Russian Foundation for Basic Research 

Scientometric indicators:

Web of Science ResearcherID: J-8846-2012
Scopus Author ID: 56177449700
SPIN ( 5664-4886, AuthorID: 297468
h-index: (Scopus) =3
h-index: ( =10



  • Information and statistical support of cadastral activity (21.03.02)
    The discipline is aimed at formation at students of knowledge of a condition of the modern market of information resources and services; acquisition of practical skills of interaction of the organization of access to the world information environment, ability to use information resources at adoption of the justified decisions in professional activity; formation at students of scientific idea of methods of the statistical analysis; skills of application of methods of collecting, scientific processing and the analysis of statistical information and application of probabilistic and statistical approach in professional activity.
  • Statistical methods of quality control (27.03.01)
    The purpose of teaching a subject matter "Statistical methods of quality control" is formation at students of a system of theoretical knowledge, skills in issues of process of quality control of products and technological processes with use of statistical methods. The studied discipline is a component of base without which implementation of release of quality and competitive products at realization of technological process is impossible.
  • Interdisciplinary project 1 (21.03.02, 27.03.01)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in expansion of scientific outlook of the student a solution of the put problem outside one scientific discipline.
  • Economic-mathematical methods and models (21.03.02, 09.03.02, 10.03.01)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in formation of a system of knowledge of methodology of use of mathematical tools and optimizing mathematical models in subject domain, the main approaches to creation of economic-mathematical models, their analysis, carrying out computing experiments and a research of the received results
  • Methods of the statistical analysis (27.03.01)
    The discipline is aimed at formation at students of scientific idea of methods of the statistical analysis, skills of application of methods of collecting, scientific processing and the analysis of statistical information and application of statistical approach in professional activity.
  • Methods and means of the statistical analysis (21.03.02, 27.03.01)
    The discipline is aimed at formation at students of scientific idea of methods of the statistical analysis, skills of application of methods of collecting, scientific processing and the analysis of statistical information and application of statistical approach in professional activity. Problems of discipline correspond to tasks of professional activity: studying of methodologies of collecting, processing, analysis and submission of statistical information; studying of techniques of calculation of the major statistics; mastering skills of practical application of the major methods of statistical researches.
  • Information resources in cadastral activity (21.03.02)
    The purposes of teaching discipline are: formation at students of knowledge of a condition of the modern market of information resources and services; acquisition of practical skills of interaction of the organization of access to the world information environment, use of information resources at adoption of the justified decisions in professional activity. Problems of discipline: studying of legal bases of information activities in Russia; acquaintance with a condition of information resources and information markets; acquaintance with requirements to information imposed in various spheres of professional activity; development of technologies of access to information resources; studying of a condition of the Russian market of information resources and services in general and in the sphere of cadastral activity.
  • Economic-mathematical methods and modeling (21.03.02)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in formation of a system of knowledge of methodology of use of mathematical tools and optimizing mathematical models in subject domain, the main approaches to creation of economic-mathematical models, their analysis, carrying out computing experiments and a research of the received results.
  • Introduction to design activity (21.03.02)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in training of students for work in projects for further use of the gained knowledge and abilities at the solution of specific practical objectives with use of a design method.
  • Information and statistical support of professional activity (09.03.04, 10.03.01, 02.03.03, 27.03.03)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in formation at students of knowledge of a condition of the modern market of information resources and services; acquisition of practical skills of interaction of the organization of access to the world information environment, ability to use information resources at adoption of the justified decisions in professional activity; formation at students of scientific idea of methods of the statistical analysis; skills of application of methods of collecting, scientific processing and the analysis of statistical information and application of probabilistic and statistical approach in professional activity.
  • Geographical both land information systems and remote sensing (21.03.02)
    The purposes of development of discipline consist in formation at students of knowledge and theoretical regulations on the main methods and technologies of geographic information systems (GIS); acquisition of ability to use GIS-packages in work on creation of digital maps and the subsequent analysis of digital models of the area; development of theoretical and practical bases of application of the plans and maps given remote sensing for creation.
  • Interdisciplinary project 2 (21.03.02)
    The purpose of development of discipline consists in expansion of scientific outlook of the student a solution of the put problem outside one scientific discipline.
  • Geoinformatics (21.03.02)
    The purposes of development of discipline consist in formation of a system of knowledge of theoretical, methodical and technological bases of geographic information systems; development of the general principles of work and obtaining practical skills of use of geoinformation technologies for the solution of applied tasks; studying of models and structure of the spatial distributed data.
  • Geographical and land information systems (21.03.02)
    The purposes of development of discipline consist in formation at students of knowledge and theoretical regulations on the main methods and technologies of geographic information systems (GIS); acquisition of ability to use GIS-packages in work on creation of digital maps and the subsequent analysis of digital models of the area.