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Gennadiy Grigorievich Matishov 

+7(863) 266-64-26


Institute of Earth Sciences

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Research interests:

Academician G. G. Matishov an outstanding scientist of world renown in the field of Oceanography and ecology of the Arctic ocean and the southern seas of Russia, a recognized innovator on many issues of geomorphology, paleogeography, biooceanology. The scope of activities associated with sea science and practice, including the development of biotechnical systems, radiation monitoring, theory of marine ecosystem analysis; the study of submarine topography and hydrography of the North Atlantic and the Arctic basin. Has developed a new concept of marine exogenous processes during the ice age, created the original model of Quaternary glaciation of the Barents-Kara region. Made a significant contribution to the development of climatology and biooceanology, including a study of the fishery and current status of Arctic and southern seas, in the creation of predictive models of the evolution of polar and arid ecosystems. G. G. Matishov is the author of over 1200 publications of theoretical and practical orientation. They set out development provisions and theoretical views included in the reference and textbooks and is widely cited in domestic and foreign literature. In the sphere of his scientific interests also include the study of catastrophic natural phenomena, the technology of artificial cultivation of sturgeon species, etc. A fundamentally new scientific-practical direction of activity was the study of socio-political problems, threats and risks in the South of Russia, areas of geopolitical tensions on the southern borders of Russia, the problematic issues of the military history of the region, the study of everyday life of the don Cossacks.

Research projects:

For his great contribution to the development of science G. G. Matishov in 2010 was awarded the order "For merits before Fatherland" IV degree. Repeatedly departmental and state awards, including order of Friendship (2016), order "For sea merits" (2004), order of Honor (1999), order "badge of Honor" (1986), the medal "For naval merit in the Arctic" Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation (2014), the medal "300 years of Russian Fleet" (1996), the order "For merits to the Rostov region" (2014), the medal "For professional honor" for contribution to the development of science in the Chechen Republic (2014)thanks and honorary certificates of Federal and regional public authorities, the Plenipotentiary representative of RF President in southern Federal district heads of regions. For outstanding scientific achievements of academician G. G. Matishov was awarded a professional state awards and titles, among them: the gold medal. Litke of the Russian geographical society (2015), Russian Federation Government prize in science and technology (2005), prize. Schmidt of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2007), title "honored worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation" (2011), lapel badge "Honorary polar Explorer" (2010), national award "Crystal compass" for scientific achievement for the project "Ecologia, climate and hazards of the Azov-Black region" (2017).


  • Paleoecology of the oceans
    The total complexity (Z) - 5 credits. Discipline "Paleogeography of the World ocean" is included in the educational standard in the elective part of the professional cycle PLO in the direction 05.03.04 "Hydrometeorology" for bachelors. Discipline is taught in the 5th semester 3rd year (exam). The course "Paleogeography of the World ocean" is aimed at broadening and deepening knowledge is also a source of knowledge about the applied direction of Oceanology ; paleooceanology. The aim of the course is to lay the foundations of knowledge about the means and methods paleooceanological research. Course objectives: 1. To acquaint students with modern and promising areas of research in the field of paleogeography of the World ocean. 2. To practice the application of techniques of reconstruction in paleooceanological research. 3. To prepare students for specialized educational and industrial practice. This course is offered to students in the final phase of study (3rd year), is largely applied and relies on the entire sum of knowledge acquired in the learning process.
  • Marine Geology and Geochemistry
    he total complexity (Z) - 3 credits. The discipline of "Marine Geology and Geochemistry" is included in the educational standard in the elective part of the professional cycle PLO in the direction 05.03.04 "Hydrometeorology" for bachelors. Discipline is taught in the 7th semester of the 4th year (offset). The purpose of teaching of discipline students receive the necessary information about the topography and structure of the earth's crust under the oceans, endogenous and exogenous relief-forming processes, sedimentation in the oceans and seas, the main features of the relief of the underwater margins of the continents, the transition zones, mid-oceanic ridges, the bed of the ocean as a planetary morphostructures of earth's surface, the problem of the origin and history of the ocean. Course objectives: 1. To form basic ideas about the structure of the World ocean, Arctic and far Eastern seas of Russia on the formation of mineral deposits (including petroleum) in areas of the shelf. 2. Consider the basic methods of marine geological research. 3. To study features of the distribution of minerals in the bottom of the ocean.
  • Radiation ecology of the oceans
    The total complexity (Z) - 2 credits. The discipline of "Radiation ecology of the oceans" included in the educational standard in the elective part of the professional cycle PLO in the direction 05.03.04 "Hydrometeorology" for bachelors. Discipline is taught in the 6th semester, 3rd year (pass). The aim of the course: to Lay the foundations of knowledge about the regularities of interaction between ecosystems (and their components) with radioactive substances of natural and artificial origin, including the effects of radiation when irradiated by ionizing radiation living organisms and humans; General scientific and technical principles for the formation and deployment of modern radiological methods of research in solving problems of radioecology. Practical skills in the determination of radiological parameters in natural objects with the use of radiometric methods of measurement. Course objectives: -to give an idea about the subject, the object of radiation ecology of the oceans, location of radiation ecology in the system of geographical Sciences; -to give an idea about modern methods of research when solving radioecological problems; -describe the sources of ionizing radiation, migration of radioactive substances in the biosphere; -to show the formation of radiation doses, the effects of radiation on biota and humans; -to show the level of radioactive contamination of the marine environment, the factors of self-purification of marine ecosystems; - to give an idea about the legal basis and principles of radiation safety of the Russian Federation.