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Dmitry Nikolaevich Gar'kusha 

Associate Professor

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

- study of the formation of gas composition of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems;
- a study of the formation of technogenic underflooding of built-up and agricultural areas;
- improvement of the technology for rapid assessment and forecast of contamination of surface waters in the conditions of technogenic flooding.

Research projects:

Supervisor of RFBR grant No. 16-05-00976 "Methane in the sea of Azov: Genesis, spatial-temporal distribution and flow" (2016-2018). Leader of numerous scientific expeditions to the basins of Azov and White seas.


  • Geochemistry of landscapes
    The purpose of discipline is getting the students a holistic view of the patterns and characteristics of migration and concentration of chemical elements in natural and anthropogenic landscapes of various types, regularities and factors of formation of geochemical evolution and placement of the natural geochemical landscapes. Read to students-bachelors "geographers" of the 4th course
  • Geomorphology of the basics of General Geology. Module 1 - basics of General Geology
    The aim of the study module "Basics of General Geology" is getting the students knowledge about the main regularities of formation and development of an Earth-like planet in the Solar system, its structure, composition, and geological development; introduction to geological processes, main structural elements of the earth's crust and the geological activity of man. Read to students-bachelors "geographers" of the 1st course
  • The nature conservancy
    The purpose of discipline is formation at students of knowledge and skills needed to assess human impact on the environment and protection of natural environment, individual natural objects and complexes by pollution and destruction. Read to students-bachelors "geographers" of the 4th course
  • Geochemistry of terrestrial and aquatic landscapes
    The purpose of learning "Geochemistry of terrestrial and aquatic landscapes" is getting the students a holistic view of the patterns and characteristics of migration and concentration of chemical elements in terrestrial and aquatic landscapes.
  • Environmental monitoring
    The purpose of the development of the discipline "Environmental monitoring" is the mastering complex concepts and understanding of the systems and subsystems of ecological monitoring as the basis for environmental activities.
  • Basics of legal knowledge in the field of nature protection
    Read to students-bachelors "geographers" 3 course.
  • General hydrology
    The practical training of students-bachelors "geographers" 2 of the course.