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Alexeevna Krasnoshchekova Galina 

+7(863) 437-14-96

Head of the department

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

     Galina A Krasnoshchekova’s  research interests lie in the spheres of pedagogic,  language theory, vocabulary, the theory and practice of translation and methodology of teaching foreign languages at school and in higher education institutions (non-linguistic specialities).

     At present professor Galina A. Krasnoshchekova works as a Head of the Department of Foreign Languages. She has enlarged the sphere of her scientific interests and is researching the problem of the continuous teaching of foreign languages to students of non-linguistic specialties and fundumentalization of foreign languages teaching  process in the  multilevel academic system.

Research projects:

    Scientific research of the realization of continuous language education concept. The concept of continuous language education engineering students is aimed to improve the quality of foreign language communicative competence of the students in all stages of higher education. 

    Development  of linguadidactical fundamental basics of foreign language teaching the students of engineering and technical specialities. This concept allows to teach professionally oriented foreign language competence and thereby improve the quality of language training engineers.

   English for Academic Purposes is for students and post-graduate students.


  • English for special purposes
  • General English

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