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Yury Alexandrovich Fedorov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 11477

Head of the department

Institute of Earth Sciences


Southern Federal University

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Research interests:

Fedorov Yu.A. works at the Southern Federal University as the head of the Department of Physical Geography, Ecology and Nature Conservation. He is a well-known scientist in the field of oceanology, hydrochemistry and isotopic geochemistry of oceanic, marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems. Currently, he and his team of like-minded people are working in the field of fundamental and applied research aimed at understanding the laws of transformation of matter and energy in the geographical envelope; contact zones of the Earth's geospheres "atmosphere; hydrosphere; cryosphere ; lithosphere; biosphere", in the "river-sea" mixing zones and at the boundaries of the media interface.

Professor Fedorov Yu.A. achieved the following most significant scientific and practical results:

Developed a new scientific direction; isotope-chemical monitoring of oceanic, marine, estuarine and freshwater ecosystems.

- He put forward and theoretically substantiated the cryogenic hypothesis of the origin and evolution of the hydrosphere, which is based on the idea of the initial presence of water in the gas hydrate state on our planet.

- Proved that the formation of acid sulfate mine waters occurs when sulfates formed during bacterial and chemical oxidation of pyrite, groundwater, pore solutions and precipitation.

- He discovered the isotopic effect associated with the synchronous fractionation of stable isotopes of sulfur sulfate and carbon bicarbonate ions in lake water.Baikal and estuaries of rivers caused by a powerful anthropogenic impact on their ecosystems.

- Developed models describing the relationship between emission flows and methane content on the one hand and temperature in shallow water bodies on the other.

- He established a close connection between the methane and mercury cycle in water and bottom sediments of reservoirs and watercourses.

Based on long-term and extensive fundamental and experimental research, he developed the theory of the formation of geochemical barriers at the water-bottom sediment interface in terms of the influence of hydrogen sulfide and methane cycles conjugated in time and space on the behavior of heavy metals.

- Developed a methodology and methodology for large-scale isotope studies of freshwater reservoirs, watercourses, estuaries and inland seas located on the territory of the former USSR (Don, Kuban, Volga, Selenga, Amu-Darya, Syr-Darya, etc., Lake Baikal, Ladoga, etc., the Azov, Caspian, Black, Aral Seas, White).

- He outlined the zones of anthropogenic influence of large industrial facilities (Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill, Astrakhan Gas Condensate Complex, etc.) on water and bottom sediments and made a quantitative calculation of their contribution to the pollution of reservoirs and watercourses.

- Developed and tested a methodology for identifying oil and petroleum product spills using the stable isotope method and a model of oil transformation in time and space.

- Developed models that adequately describe the transformation of oil and petroleum products in oceanic, marine and freshwater ecosystems over time.

- By studying the distribution of the specific activity of technogenic radionuclides caesium-137 and americium - 241 and information on the distribution of the content of oil components, he determined the rates of modern sedimentation in the Sea of Azov, and the mercury content by the section of bottom sediments in the White Sea, established the "background" values of this element, the depth of occurrence and the time of formation of landslides in the Kandalaksha Bay.

Research projects:

Fedorov Yu.A. head Leading scientific school (Grants of the President of the Russian Federation) since 1996. by 2015, REC "Global and regional geographical and ecological research and innovative technologies", Russian-French Associated Laboratory (MAL) "Transformation of oil pollution in ecosystems of surface water bodies of land, seas, coasts and assessment of their sustainability", more than 60 scientific grants, state contracts and contractual works, prepared 27 candidates, 2 doctors of sciences, supervises 2 postgraduates and is a consultant on 3 doctoral dissertations, opposed 2 doctoral and 7 candidate dissertations, author and co-author of textbooks and teaching aids, Member of the editorial boards of three journals, two dissertation Councils on geographical sciences, the RFBR Expert Council on Earth Sciences (Oceanology), expert of a number of other scientific foundations and the Ministry of Education, Chairman of international scientific and practical conferences "Environmental problems. A look into the future", Member of the organizing committee of conferences of the School of Marine Geology (P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and a number of others, member of the SFU Attestation Commission for awarding candidate and doctoral dissertations, member of the Committee on Natural and Mathematical direction of science and education at the US SFU SFU; member of the competition commission for the selection of applicants to postgraduate and doctoral studies of the SFU; expert of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (member of the Expert Council), the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as a number of international foundations; - member of the editorial boards of: 1 journal (WOS, SCOPUS), HAC-1, RSCI- 2. Member of at least one; two organizing committees Russian and international symposia per year; Deputy Chairman of the newly created Dissertation Council of the SFU in Geographical Sciences; Member of the regional competition commission for a scholarship of the Non-Governmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, until November 2021 - headed Rostov regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society, awarded by the Government of the USSR with the jubilee medal "For Military Valor" and for achievements in science and education with the award of the French Republic "Knight of the Order of Academic Palms", the badge "Honorary Worker of the Hydrometeorological Service of Russia", certificates of honor of the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Rector of the Southern Federal University, awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor for the benefit of the Don Region" (2022; Government of the Rostov region), Commemorative sign "85 years of the Rostov region" (2021 ; Government of the Rostov region). Winner of the All-Russian competition of university teachers "Golden Names of Higher Education" - 2018, the Hirsch Index for publications on - 24, Scopus ; 11, WoS - 8.

Fedorov Yu.A. conducts active pedagogical activity. He is the author and co-author of textbooks and teaching aids, head of the Master's program "Ecology and Nature Management". His students work in Russia and the countries of the far and near abroad. Most of them continue their scientific and pedagogical activities at the Southern Federal University.


  • General hydrology
  • Physical geography and biogeography, soil geography and Geochemistry of landscapes
  • Environmental expertise audit and management