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Elena Valerevna Zargaryan 

+7(863) 437-16-89

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

Senior researcher

Academy for Engineering and Technologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

mathematical modeling of scientific and technological processes and physical phenomena;
development, validation and implementation of numerical methods for solving on a computer;
Study of non-equilibrium systems;
Pareto-optimal solutions for multiobjective problems.

Research projects:

mathematical modeling of scientific and technological processes and physical phenomena;
development, validation and implementation of numerical methods for solving on a computer;
Study of non-equilibrium systems;
Pareto-optimal solutions for multiobjective problems.


  • Professional Information Technology (150304, 270304)
    Edit Delete The main goal of the disciplines is a scientific systemic justification for using the capabilities of modern computer technology and software to perform engineering calculations and research of systems and processes in science and technology. This goal has the following components: to understand the device and use of a personal computer and computer networks; understand and apply database technologies; Know the basics and methods of protecting information.
  • Software methods and tools for modeling technological processes and production (150404, 270404)
    Edit Delete The problem of constructing mathematical models and developing software tools that visualize a simulation model is investigated. A method for solving this problem by automatically constructing simulation models based on diagrams of the UML language is described.
  • Interdisciplinary Laboratory Workshop (150404, 270404)
    Edit Delete The relevance of the problems of forming the ability of future specialists to interdisciplinary professional research is analyzed. The didactic potential of the disciplines of theoretical preparation is studied for the formation of students' ability to interdisciplinary research. Substantiates the possibility of realizing this potential in a specially designed workshop.
  • Quality Management Information Systems for Automated Manufacturing (150404)
    Edit Delete The proposed lectures highlight issues related to the history of the development of quality management systems and the impact of this process on the competitiveness of products and enterprises, consider the methodology and terminology of quality management, methodological foundations of standardization and certification of products and quality management systems.

Download CV (pdf)