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Evgeny Vasilyevich Udod 

Associate Professor

Institute of Radioengineering Systems and Control

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Modeling of information processing methods from digital sensors.


  • Designing local microcontroller systems
    The purpose of mastering the discipline "Designing local microcontroller systems" is to study and master modern methods and methods of system design of hardware and software for microcontroller products of embedded information systems, focused on solving problems of monitoring dynamic objects.
  • Metrology and measuring instruments in infocommunication systems
    Discipline attended the study of aspects of metrology and measuring instruments in the design of infocommunication systems
  • Information technology and programming
    The discipline was attended by familiarization with the main modern information technologies used in technical sciences, as well as the basics of programming in the C ++ language.
  • Monitoring dynamic systems
    The discipline was attended to familiarize with the purpose, principles of construction, methodology for designing monitoring systems for dynamic objects and processes.
  • System modeling
    The discipline examines the basic concepts of the theory of modeling. Simulation goals. Classification of types of systems modeling. Principles of a systems approach in modeling systems. Functional and structural description of the model. A classic and systematic approach to modeling. The place of mathematical modeling in the classification of systems models. Types of mathematical modeling of systems. Statistical modeling of computer systems. Planning machine experiments with system models. Computer modelling. As part of the discipline, the student acquires the skills of drawing up models in MATLAB and Simulink.
  • Sensors of physical quantities
    Sensors of physical quantities The discipline examines the purpose, applications, parameters, methods of constructing various sensors used in the construction of embedded systems for collecting and processing information.
  • The basics of building distributed information monitoring systems
    The discipline was attended by the study of network technologies used to build distributed embedded systems for collecting and processing data
  • Mathematical modeling of devices and systems
    Acquaintance with the features, basic concepts, methods and means of mathematical modeling used in scientific and research activities.
  • Means for measuring parameters of technical objects
    The purpose of the discipline is to familiarize with the basic concepts, principles of signal conversion, types of analog and microprocessor sensors, sensor capabilities, methods of calibration of microprocessor sensors, features of smart sensors, sensor connection schemes.
  • Embedded Design Techniques
    The aim of the discipline is to familiarize oneself with the basic concepts, methods and means of analysis and design of distributed microprocessor systems and mastering the elements of analysis and design based on the object approach.
  • Intelligent energy metering systems
    The objectives of mastering the discipline are the formation of the student's competencies and knowledge in the field of smart energy, and the formation of a theoretical and practical base in the field of energy conservation and energy efficiency.