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Natalia Mihailovna Evtushenko-Mulukaeva 

Associate Professor

Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Cовременные проблемы проектирования общественных зданий и формирования городской среды.

Архитектура учебно-воспитательных зданий и комплексов.

Research projects:

"Development of a database on storage media according to the nomenclature, engineering and technical schools of the Rostov region and suggestions on the types of small schools" (NCI, 1999).
"Typological features of formation of a school fund for rural areas (for example, the Rostov Region)" (NCI, 2008).
"Review of the international experience of designing buildings of higher education institutions and university campuses" (NCI, 2008).
"Architecture and typological features of the modernization of the rural school fund (research and recommendations on the example of the Rostov Region)" (PhD thesis, 2009).
"The architecture of rural schools: Past, Present, Future" (NCI, 2009).
"Development of actual problems of the secondary school of the XXI century in the pedagogical and architectural aspects" (Grant, 2010).
"Research methods and techniques of architectural environment modernization of educational building of the university (on the example of the Southern Federal University)" (Grant, 2013).
"Research of features of architectural modernization of buildings of educational purpose (kindergartens, schools) in the context of sustainable development of modern society (for example, municipal educational institutions of the Rostov Region)" (Grant, 2013).


  • Theoretical bases of designing: Public buildings and facilities
    Lecture course 6 semester
  • Finishing materials in modern architecture and design
    Lecture course 9 semester
  • Architectural design
    Practical classes, semesters 5-9
  • Research work
    Practical classes, 1-4 semester graduate
  • Architectural design
    Practical classes, semesters 1-4 Magistrates
  • Manual final qualifying work of the bachelor
    Practical classes, 10 semester
  • Manual final qualifying master's work
    Practical classes, semesters 1-4 Magistrates