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Ekaterina Vladimirovna Tishchenko 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Law

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

1. Healthcare and safety by means of criminal law
2. Corporate crime, fraud and investigations in Russian Federation and  in foreign legislation.
3. Crimes against public safety.

Research projects:

2014 - Grant 17-03-00474 (RFGS) entitled Law enforcement practice as a criterion of effectiveness of criminal law in relation to corruption crimes

The result of the project will be the assessment of the anti-corruption criminal laws in the perspective of goal-setting. The elaboration of approaches to defining the criteria of effectiveness of criminal laws in relation to corruption crimes, the assessment of the profile criminal legislation through a prism of law enforcement. The results of the research will be tested at scientific conferences, published in articles on the basis of the main areas of research in professional journals, including Scopus and Web of Science


  • DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE: penal, criminal-executive and criminological aspects
    The program is designed as a modern educational product, aimed at the development of students' deep theoretical knowledge in the sphere of counteraction to criminal manifestations of the participants health relationships: understanding the features of the system of rules on criminal liability in this sphere in their historical and legal and comparative aspect, the generation of an qualification of crimes skills-based study law enforcement and criminal law assessment of risks.
    The objectives of the development of the discipline "economic and corruption crimes" are: formation of students' deep theoretical knowledge in the field of fight against economic crime; mastering the skills of application of criminal law provisions of the Special Part of the Criminal Code in particular bunt-relevant situations in the field of combating economic crime; generate additional skills with normative legal acts of various branches of law for the detection of criminal legal risks in the analyzed area, Learning to interpret the criminal law with the help of various tools and techniques; Learn how to qualification of crimes.
    The purpose of discipline - mastering the students knowledge about the theoretical foundations of the sector of international criminal law and the practical aspects of the implementation of its provisions in domestic law of States. The main objectives of the discipline are: the expansion of the legal outlook of students; study of the major problems of modern international criminal law.