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Natalia Andreevna Evstegneeva 

Head of the Scientific Laboratory

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies


Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Research interests:

Ecology, environmental management, soil biology, chemical pollution of soil, waste recycling

Research projects:

According to the results of scientific activities for 2015-2022. more than 50 papers have been published, 2 of them in the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, 6 are indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The number of publications indexed in the RSCI database - 53 (February 2023); The number of citations of articles indexed in the RSCI database - 98 (February 2023); Hirsch index - 5. Co-author of 1 chapter in the monograph.

Participation in grants and projects.

  1. Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools, GrPr / 22-NSh08-AB, head Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor Kazeev K.Sh.
  2. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation "Influence of Ag, Bi, Te, Tl pollution on the state and functioning of soils" (internal N RNF / 22-16-AB), 2022, head Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Kolesnikov S.I.
  3. Grant of the Russian Science Foundation "Assessment of the ecotoxicity of platinum by biological indicators of the state of soils" (internal number RSF/22-52-AB.), Head of Leading Researcher, Ph.D. Timoshenko A.N.
  4. Scientific project number BCh0110-11 / 2017-21 "Assessment of the resistance of the main soils and terrestrial ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea region to priority anthropogenic impacts", head of the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Kolesnikov S.I.
  5. Scientific project "Influence of No Till technology on the ecological state of soils" number 213.01-14/2017-21, supervisor, Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor Kazeev K.Sh.
  6. Research project N2101-10 / 2016-11 "Ecological and agricultural functions of soils under anthropogenic load", head of the doctor of agricultural sciences, professor Kolesnikov S.I.
  7. Research project NHD/18-11-AB "Influence of soil protection technology on the biological activity and fertility of chernozems IP Mokrikov V.I."
  8. Research project NBCH0110-11/2017-21 "Assessment of the resistance of soils and terrestrial ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea region to priority anthropogenic impacts", leader Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Kolesnikov S.I. 

Membership in professional and public organizations:

  1. Member of the All-Russian Society of Soil Scientists. V.V. Dokuchaev (since 2018).
  2. Member of the NOC of the Department of Ecology and Nature Management (since 2018)


  • Ecology, rational environmental management and conservation
    The discipline belongs to the basic part of the block of disciplines in the direction 06.03.01 "Biology" (bachelor's degree). The objectives of mastering the discipline: the formation of basic knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of ecology, rational nature management and nature protection. Tasks: to ensure the assimilation of basic knowledge about ecological systems of different levels (ecology of individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems) from the standpoint of a systematic approach, the laws of ecology as a theoretical foundation for rational nature management, nature conservation and sustainable development of mankind; form an ecocentric worldview; to form the ability to set and solve research problems in the field of rational nature management, to predict the environmental consequences of nature management, to choose the best ways of nature management; to form the skills of research work in the field of rational nature management, planning activities for environmental protection and rationalization of nature management, conducting educational, educational and pedagogical activities in the field of rational nature management and environmental protection.
  • Ecology
    The objectives of the discipline: the formation of basic knowledge, skills and skills in the field of ecology, increasing environmental literacy. Objectives: to ensure the assimilation of basic knowledge about the levels of systems of different levels (ecology of individuals, populations, communities, ecosystems) from the standpoint of the systems approach, the laws of ecology as a theoretical foundation of rational nature management, nature protection and sustainable development of mankind; form an eco-centric worldview; to formulate the skills to set and solve scientific research tasks in the field of ecology, to predict the environmental consequences, to choose the optimal ways of solving environmental problems; form the skills of conducting educational, educational and pedagogical activities in the field of ecology.
  • Environmental management
    The purpose of studying the discipline: the formation of in-depth knowledge in the field of biospherology (the doctrine of the biosphere), skills and abilities in the field of solving global, regional and local environmental problems. Tasks: to ensure the assimilation of in-depth knowledge about the structure, properties, functioning, origin and evolution of the biosphere; causes, consequences and ways of solving global environmental problems of our time, to form the ability to set and solve research problems to solve environmental problems; to establish the causes, predict the consequences and find the best ways to solve global, regional and local environmental problems. to form the skills of research, educational, educational and pedagogical activities to solve environmental problems.