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Elena Vladimirovna Shiryaeva 

Associate Professor

Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Numerical methods, hydrodynamic theory of stability, systems of hyperbolic quasi-linear equations, programming, applied mathematics, fluid dynamics, mathematical physics, hydrology, electrophoresis

Research projects:

1.“Onset nonsymmetrical structure in thin layers of rotating fluid. Grant RFBR No. 00-01-00865; 2000-2002 (co-investigator).

2. "Rotational electrohydrodynamic flow in thin liquid films". RFBR grant 10-01-00452 (co-investigator).

3. "Investigation of nonlinear interactions of waves and flows in thin layers of liquid". Analytical department program "Development of scientific potential of higher school (2009-2011)". Registration number 1.1.11 (co-investigator).

4. "Fluid flows in stratified media". Grant of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, Contract N 02.740.11.5189, 2010 (co-investigator).

5. "Fundamental problems of nonlinear waves in a liquid multicomponent continuous media with complicated physical-chemical properties". Analytical department program "Development of scientific potential of higher school (2009-2013)". No. 1.5225.2011 and No. 14.A18.21.0873 (co-investigator).

6. Problems of mathematical hydrodynamics: temporal, spatial structures and instabilities of flow in simple and complex liquid continuous media. Grant of the Ministry of education, project ID 1367, 213.01-11/2014-1 and project ID 1367, 2014-2016 (co-investigator).


  • Numerical methods
  • Computer science

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