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Elena Viktorovna Papchenko 


Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Philosophy of culture, philosophical anthropology, intercultural dialogue, globalization of culture.


Achievements and rewards:

2005 – Scholarship of the Taganrog city charitable Foundation «Blago» for participating in the Fund program «Education and life».

2006 – The Honorary diploma of TSURE for loyalty and devotion to professional duty and the University, for high results in the work.

2006 – A letter of Gratitude of the mayor of Taganrog.

2007 – The best teacher of TRTU 2007( the decision of the Academic Council of the Institute of Technology of SFedU).

2012 – TheFund of national education awarded the diploma of laureate of all-Russian contest for the best scientific book of 2011 in the nomination of «Humanities» for the book «Axiological problems of modern science».

2012 – The diploma of laureate of all-Russian competition «the Best scientific book in the humanitarian sphere – 2012», nomination «Philology; art history; cultural studies».

2013 –The diploma of the laureate of the International competition «the Best scientific book in the humanitarian sphere – 2013», nomination «Philology; art history; cultural studies».

2014 – The diploma of laureate of the 1st national innovative public competition on the best textbook, the textbook and monograph, the nomination «The Best textbook (study guide) for schools and postgraduate education».

2015 – The diploma of the laureate of the International competition «The Best scientific book in the humanitarian sphere – 2015» in the category «Philosophy; sociology; political science; law; science of science».

2015 –The Honorary certificate of the SFedUfor long service in higher education in connection with the 100th anniversary of the University.

2015 –The Honorary certificate of SFedU for contribution to the development of educational activities.

Hirsch index is 4 ( )

Additional information

‒ member of the Russian philosophical society;

‒ member of the Network community «Russian cultural studies»;

‒ member of the editorial Board of the Center «Logos» (Stavropol);

‒ head of student scientific community «Philosophical problems of science and technology».

Research projects:

Publications and research work


  1. Papchenko, E.V. Scientific knowledge about sensitivity as an element of the innovation system of modern society – Taganrog: publishing house of Institute of Technology of southern Federal University, 2009.
  2. Papchenko, E.V. Formation of the problem of sensuality in Western culture: the olfactory modality – Saarbrücken (Germany): LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2013. ISBN 978-3-659-34292-9.
  3. Papchenko, E.V. Axiological dimension of sensuality // Rostov-on-Don: sknts VSH, 2012.
  4. Papchenko, E.V. Philosophical and cultural analysis of sensuality – Rostov-on-Don: publishing house SKNTS VSH APSN, 2014. 158 p. (Chapter III).

Articles in journals recommended by higher attestation Commission of the Russian Federation

  1. Papchenko, E.V. Sensuality and its influence on social practice // Humanitarian and socio-economic science. No.3, 2009. P.84 – 86.
  2. Papchenko, E.V. The Problem of sensuality in the context of modern science // Humanitarian and socio-economic science. No.1, 2010. C.54 – 58.
  3. Papchenko, E.V. Social and cultural foundations of sensuality // Scientific thought of Caucasus. No.1. 2010, P.71 – 75.
  4. Papchenko, E.V. Interaction of philosophy and science in the solution of the problem of sensuality // Humanitarian and socio-economic science. No.2, 2010. P.4 – 58.
  5. Papchenko, E.V. Modern scientific analysis of sensitivity and the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach // Proceedings of higher educational institutions. The North Caucasus region. Social Sciences. No.6. 2010. P.8 – 11.
  6. Papchenko, E.V. The problem of sensuality in modern humanitarian Sciences // Scientific thought of Caucasus. No.4. 2010, P.51 – 55.
  7. Papchenko E.V., Sensuality and modern culture: aspects of the relationship // Humanitarian and socio-economic science. No.3, 2011. P.20 – 24.
  8. Titarenko, I.N., Papchenko, E.V. Axiological ideas of V.I. Vernadsky and their place in the ecological world view formation // Izvestiya SFedU. Technical Sciences. No.1 (150), January 2014. S.233 – 239.

Publications in English:

  1. Papchenko E. «Gorogly» epos is as an illustration of the role of Turkmen-oguzs in ethnogenesis of Western and Central Asia // Heritage. Popular-scientific journal. No.3 (35), 2009. P. 89 – 97.
  2. Papchenko E. Phenomen of cultural globalization // Challenges of Ethnicity: The Local and the Global. Abstracts of International Conference. 25-27 November 2009. Hyderabad: OUCIP, 2009. P. 23 – 24.
  3. Papchenko E. Oghuz musical art in the IX-XII centuries // Literature and Culture of the Seljuk Epoch. Ashgabat, 2010. P. 223.
  4. Papchenko E. The Role of a Scholar in the Process of Cultural Interaction Between East and West // East and West: Common Spiritual Values, Scientific-Cultural Links. Istanbul: Insan Publications, 2010. P. 537 – 543.
  5. Papchenko E. Sensuality in sociocultural aspect // Uluslararasisosyalaraştirmalar is the journal of international social research // Volume 3. Issue 10. Winter 2010. Turkey. P. 521 – 526.
  6. Papchenko E. Mollanepes – the personification of baghshi singing skill // Mollanepes and Turkmen mode of life in the ZIZ-th century. Ashgabat, 2010. P. 135, 256, 383.
  7. Papchenko E. Environment of people and methods of its harmonization in modern culture // Materiály VII Mezinárodni Vědecko – Practical Conference «Vědecký Průmysl Evropského Kontinentu – 2011». – Díl 14. Filosofie. Politickévědy. Historie. Administrativa: Praha. Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o. – 88 stran. 2011. P. 35 – 36.
  8. Papchenko E. Understanding ofColour in the Human Culture with Special Emphasis on the Indian Subcontinent // Chitrolekha International Magazine on Art and Design. Volume V, Number 1, 2015. Themed Issue on «Visual Culture in the Indian Subcontinent». India. P. 42 – 46. ISSN 2231-4822 (co-author).
  9. Papchenko E. Electronic educational use of resources in the humanitarian training structure // Innovative technologies and didactics in teaching: collected papers Berlin: MVB Marketing – und Verlagservice des Buchhandels GmbH, 2015. P. 146 – 148.

International and All-Russian conferences and congresses.

  • The third Russian Philosophical Congress «Rationalism and culture on the threshold of the third Millennium» (Rostov-on-Don, 16-20 September 2002);
  • The first Russian Cultural Congress, St. Petersburg, 2006);
  • The 3d All-Russian sociological Congress (Moscow, 2008);
  • The second Russian Cultural studies Congress with international participation «Cultural diversity: from past to future» (St.-Petersburg, 2008);
  • International Symposium «East and West: common spiritual values, scientific-cultural relations» (October 9-11, 2009, Baku, Azerbaijan);
  • International Conference «Challenges of Ethnicity: The Local and the Global» (November 25-27, 2009, Hyderabad, India);
  • XII international scientific conference «Ilienkovski reading 2010.There is nothing more practical than a good theory» (may 13-14, 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine);
  • International scientific-practical conference «National philosophy in the context of contemporary global processes» (2011, Minsk, Belarus);
  • International Congress «Globalistics – 2011: ways to strategic stability and the problem of global governance» (Moscow, 18 – 22 may 2011);
  • X Congress of ethnographers and anthropologists of Russia «the Modern city and socio-cultural modernization of Russia» (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1 – 5 July 2013);
  • International Congress «The Genius of V.G. Shukhov and the modern age» (17 – 18 April 2014, Moscow);
  • International scientific conference «Philosophical problems of natural Sciences and technical Sciences» (Rostov-on-Don – Taganrog, 27 – 28 February 2014);
  • VI-th Russian philosophical Congress (Ufa, October 6-10, 2015);
  • International scientific-theoretical conference «Social and cultural environment and communicative strategies of information society» (Saint-Petersburg, October 28-31, 2015);
  • The 2nd international scientific conference «Philosophical problems of natural Sciences and technical Sciences» (Rostov-on-Don – Taganrog, February 17, 2016);
  • The 1st South-Russian philosophical Congress «Philosophy of the school, development strategies and the challenges of the future» (Rostov-on-Don, 25-29 may, 2016);
  • Symposium of Contemporary applied philosophy: problems and perspectives of evelopment (Rostov-on-Don, may 31, 2016).



  • Philosophy" (for bachelors)
  • Philosophy and methodology of science and technology (for master students of technical specialties)
  • Philosophy (for master students of technical specialties)
  • History and philosophy of science (graduate)
  • History of science (for graduate students)
  • Social philosophy (graduate)
  • Cultural studies

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