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Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich Pakhomov 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 30014

+7(928) 760-74-26

Associate Professor

Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Research interests:

A socio-economic system modeling. Information and communication technologies (ICT) in public management and local government authorities. E-Government and electronic document management systems. ICT in hospitality and tourism.

Research projects:

1. Information Technologies in Management. Student's textbook. Second edition. Piter publishing house, St. Petersburg, 2012, 320 p.

2. Elaboration of the concept of electronic document management implementation for Taganrog Administration (Research project, 2011)

3. Research and elaboration of the management system of the resort hotel "Golden Fleece" (Zolotoye Runo) (Research project, 2009)


  • Information and Communication Technologies
    A survey of the field of computer technology with some concern on the foundational concepts of how computers work. Topics include set theory basics, binary numbers, digital logic. The course emphasize the role of information technology in satisfying organisations' information requirements. Great attention is paid on using of popular software application packages i.e. word processors, electronic spreadsheets, database management systems and presentation sofware. Study basics of telecommunications and Local Area Networks, the technology required to create web pages with implementation of HyperText Markup Language. Students are required to complete assignments on the computer, some of which are completed outside of class.
  • Organization Theory
    The course studies common principles of creating, structuring and functioning of organizations as dynamic social entities that are goal-directed. Topics include the evolution of organization theory, organization basic laws and life cycle, fundamentals of organization structure, types of organizations. Examination of psychological and sociological variables important in understanding individual motivation, group functioning and leadership in organizations.